Spectrum (Say My Name)

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When we first came here, we were cold and we were clear

With no colours on our skin, we were light and paper thing

And when we first came here, we were cold and we were clear

With no colours on our skin, 'til you let the spectrum in

"Win, you need to hurry up or you'll be late!" Khaotung shouted from the living room of the hotel room.

Win was trying to loop the tie around his neck but he couldn't seem to do it properly for some reason. It looked crooked or wrong to him, that was why he was taking forever. It was probably because of his hands being shaky. He didn't know why he was so nervous. It's just a wedding.

He heard a sigh from behind him and Win turned around to see Khaotung with his arms crossed and looking impatient. He grimaced at his best friend and pointed at his tie. "I think I lost the ability to tie it properly," Win told him.

Khaotung shook his head exasperatedly and went towards him. His best friend fixed it for him and kept murmuring how Win was already sweating and they had not left the hotel. Win tried to breathe slowly to stop the nervousness he was feeling but it didn't work. How could he even calm down when today was a big day?

"I wish Bright was here," Win said, pouting.

"You know he can't be," his best friend told him. Khaotung was right and Win just needed to be patient and not collapse until he was at the wedding.

It had been over 6 months since the incident with Gigie and a lot of things had happened. Now, though, was a wedding about to happen in Phuket. Bright and Win flew in a few days ago to have their own time to spend before the wedding. Spending time with his boyfriend by the beach was such a dream and Win definitely enjoyed their time alone there together.

Win decided to do a lot of things with him and Bright was enthusiastic to go with whatever he wanted. Bright smiled and told Win, "We're going to be adding so much firsts here."

They went surfing on the first day and Bright was shockingly bad at it. Even worse than Khaotung when he and his best friend did it at El Nido. Win couldn't stop himself from cackling whenever Bright would try to stand up and catch a wave and then to just instantly fall down. The man had no balance at all with the board. Win took so much photos of Bright mid-air as he was about to fall down and his stomach was hurting from all the laughter. Bright was too competitive to give up though, so after an hour or so, he finally rode a wave properly. Win couldn't help but be proud of his boyfriend for trying and as soon as Bright reached the shore, Win ran towards him and gave the man a peck on the lips. Bright had a glint on his eye and whispered to Win that he should be rewarded later. Win rolled his eyes and tackled him down in the water. His boyfriend was such a horndog.

They also did scuba diving. Both of them had certifications to dive, which Win didn't know about Bright, so it was such a lovely experience diving with his boyfriend in the open water. They brought their waterproof camera and took a lot of photos. Win tried to take photos of the fishes around but honestly, Win wasn't the best nature or animal photographer. It wasn't Instagram worthy. Bright, on the other hand, was like a professional photographer.

When they weren't signed up for any activities that Win had thought of, their days were spent together in the area were spent walking around, buying trinkets for Win's friends and family, and sightseeing. They had lunch with Toptap one time and that was something to remember. Win couldn't help but tease Bright because his boyfriend was still trying to do his best to impress his older brother.

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