What The Water Gave Me (Part 1)

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'Cause they took your loved ones

But returned them in exchange for you

But would you have it any other way?

Would you have it any other way?

You could have it any other way

Bright's POV

"Win! Win! Please talk to me!"

"Win, please! Tell me where you are!"

"Win," Bright shouted, his voice cracking, as he walked towards the company car Man brought with him to pick him up. "Please, babe, don't give up. Please tell me where you are."

Bright pulled on the car door but it wasn't unlocked then continue to repeatedly pulled on it. He heard the beep and saw Man opened it as he was holding the key fob. As he slid in the front passenger's seat, he heard the words he wanted and dreaded to hear.

"Bright, I love you."

All the hairs in his body stood up as he felt the shiver ran down through his body. He froze for a second and felt that he couldn't breathe.

"Win!" he shouted inside the car as Man started the engine.

He knew that he was slowly losing Win every second he didn't know where to look for him. He felt Man grabbed his shoulder as a sign of support as he backed the car out of the parking lot of the precinct.

"Bright, where is he?" Man asked and he could hear the worry in his voice. Bright stopped trying to talk to Win on the phone and faced him.

"I have no idea," Bright said. Then, an idea came to him. "Where's your phone?"

Man fished out his phone out of his pocket and quickly unlocked it and gave it to him. Bright took it and started to search the phone number of the chief human resources officer without cancelling Win's call.

"Babe, please, don't give up," Bright pleaded to the phone loudly. He didn't know if Win could hear him or not but he was hoping and praying he did. "I'm going to find you."

Putting his phone on loud speaker, Bright placed Man's phone to his ear and waited for the person to answer. "Come on, come on, come on," Bright muttered under his breath. His leg was bouncing up and down quickly.

"Hello?" the man asked when the call connected.

"Hey, send me Gigie's address on this number now!" Bright ordered harshly. "She works for HR so you know her."

"Y- yes, sir," the man replied nervously. Bright ended the call and waited for the message. He continued talking and encouraging Win through the call. He was just saying everything he thought could help as he felt powerful. Bright's heart was beating so fast and he could feel the tears threatening to fall down. A few seconds later, the other phone beeped and he saw that it was the address. Man didn't wait for Bright to give him the phone and snatched it on his hand. His best friend started inputting it to his GPS navigation app and then started driving fast.

"Win," he said as his voice started wavering, "We're on our way to get you, bunny. Please, wait for me. Please."

Still not putting the phone down, Bright looked at Man's phone and saw that they were seven minutes away from where Gigie's address was. Win didn't tell him that they were there but he had a feeling. Was it a longshot? Probably but Bright had no other guesses. He kept the phone on his ear as he tried to hear anything at all. Waiting for Win to say something, anything, for Bright to feel hopeful. After a few minutes, he heard some noise. It sounded muffled as if the person was outside the place Win was in. Then, he heard something like a door opening.

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