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We surrounded by those guys and we were holding our weapons. Those things were slowly moving closer to us. We just attacked, shooting, scratching, and even using my magic to them. They just keep on coming. Then guards appeared and gave a warning shot to them and they went off. We thought we were safe then they somewhat, had chains and we were wrapped by the chains. Russia was cursing at them. One person went down from the vehicle and said, "Bring them back to the boss, he will be very happy with this." Then they grabbed us by the chains and put us in the back of their truck. Russia was shouting at back at them, "WHY DO YOU WANT FROM US YOU LITTLE-!" He starts cursing at them and America tries to cool him down. Rusame explained to us about it, "Well this are the Monster Hunters that captures us and they have been doing some bad things to my two dads and the boss before, did something to my dad, America. My father hated that boss and was sure that he was dead and for sure that they will never be captured and this is not what my dads wanted to happen." The ride seemed to be bumpy and I wasn't surprised when Russia was hit by the top from the road and starts to curse at them again. America was getting tired and still has to calm him down. Del Pilar and South Korea tries to undo and the chains. I wonder where was India. I didn't see him here, weird. The ride stopped. One of the guards gc Ame inside and out a muzzle on Russia to keep his mouth shut. I saw the rest of them, North, Greece and even India. Hold on, where is Martial. They pushed me to move forward. And... HOLY COW, now that's a lot of infected.

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