Ch 42: Bye-Bye Time Bastards

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"Everything is connected."

That's the last thing Clarity had heard before she couldn't anymore. She couldn't hear. Well, that wasn't exactly true. The Glitch could hear a sharp, unpleasant, high-pitched noise that was killing her ears. Beyond that shrill piercing sound, there was nothing, no other noises, no voices, no movements from anyone such as the shuffle of feet or closing of a door, she couldn't even hear herself breathing. She wouldn't be surprised if her ears were bleeding not that she could really tell if they were or not.

Clarity's eyes were open, she was sure her eyes were open, she couldn't close them she'd tried, but no matter how long she waited for her eyes to start adjusting to whatever this was it didn't happen. She couldn't see anything. Well, that wasn't exactly true, she could see light, but it was alarming that this was all she could see. If she was blind you'd think she'd see nothing, empty echoing darkness, a void of endless black, the absence of it's opposite, but instead all she could see was this intense level of white hot brightness shining for as far as she could see or was it as close? In any case it consumed her entire field vision, and didn't show any signs of dimming down.

Clarity didn't know where she was or what was happening to her. The last thing she remembered was putting her dopple in that cell and then she'd turned around and nothing. It was all blank and fuzzy from there. It was a male voice with a British accent that had awakened her, 'everything is connected' that's what he'd said. What did that mean? Everything is connected? Connected to what? And what was everything? Where was she? What was going on? She wanted to know, but just when she was getting the strength to open her eyes it all this.

She couldn't hear, she couldn't see, all she could taste was static and forget about talking, her tongue held down by something, not that Clarity had any idea what that something was. Her sense of smell was completely gone. As for her sense of touch Claritys entire body was numb, but not in that nice tingly 'oh the doctors going to make it so I can't feel anything' type of way, but the 'oh god my foot fell asleep and now it's doing this excruciating tingle thing please make it stop body how could you betray me like this' type of way.

Whatever flat surface her back was pressed against felt like there was over a thousand razor sharp needles pressing into her skin. Ever since that one battle with General Eiling Clarity hated needles. All Clarity wanted to do was get off it, get away from it, whatever it was, but Clarity couldn't move her body, her limbs were unresponsive, she couldn't even wiggle a pinky or a toe. No matter how hard she tried to move she couldn't. She was stuck. Her powers were of no help at all. Whatever was messing with her senses was messing with her powers too because of course. Her powers were still there, she could feel her lightning coursing through her, not dampened as far as she could tell, but for whatever reason, beyond herself, she couldn't reach them or access them in any way. Her powers just weren't responding. Something was so so wrong.

She didn't understand why this was happening to her or what was happening for that matter. How could all her senses just be taken away like this? Is that what was happening? They were taken? Or was it something worse than that? But what could be worse? Clarity didn't know, she wasn't sure that anything could be worse than this torture she was currently experiencing, but was this torture? Wasn't someone supposed to ask you questions or something during torture sessions, no that was interrogation, right? Were they really so different? Didn't torture and interrogation go hand in hand? Had someone missed a step or was whoever doing this to her going in reverse order? Was this what dying was supposed to be like? Had her dopple actually gotten a kill shot when she turned around? Did she not lock up the cell right? She didn't know, Sara'd died before she would know, Clarity figured. Sara... she'd promised she'd glitch over to Star after she was done clearing things up. Okay, dying... definitely not an option anymore. She wasn't about to break a promise to Sara Lance of all people. Clarity guessed her to do list just got a tad bit longer.

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