Ch 28: Lil Legends

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"We're here." Rip announced to the group up out of his chair the second they landed.

"Where is here?" Snart questioned impatiently.

"Come, I'll show you." Rip told the group spinning on his heel to go out the doorway.

"Okay, but first I need to change, and someone needs to go get young Ray and young me." Clarity told Rip.

"We're still sedated in the medbay." Ray explained after Clarity had glitched away the woman completely excited for what Rip had in store. It wasn't often the time captain did surprises.

"Right yes, I'll get them. You all just gather yourselves in the cargobay and wait." Rip ordered walking off towards the medbay.

"Kid Clarity's clothes were covered in mud if I remember correctly. Perhaps the younger version is need to change as well." Martin suggested.

"I'm on it," Sara nodded making her way to the fabricator to grab new clothes for young Clarity.

"Make sure-" Snart started, but Sara cut him off with a wave of her hand.

"It's blue, I know, I know." Sara replied with a wave of her hand.

"Jerry, please fabricate some clothing for young Clarity." Rip ordered as he walked down the hall with Sara.

"Right away, Anything in particular?" Jerry questioned.

"Blue shirt, cute flowery skirt, matching converse, some tights, and a denim jacket." Sara listed.

"Add some lightning bolts, flowers, rainbows, gemstones, and a tardis somewhere if you can." Rip added.

Sara raised a brow at him.

"What? You know she always adds a little something extra to her clothing. I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice." Rip replied.

"True, but that just seems like a lot more than a little something." Sara replied.

"Not for her, just trust me." Rip told the assassin.

"Alright..." Sara sighed with a nod rushing off to get the clothes. Rip going to the medbay.

Once he arrived Rip decided to wake up young Ray first as he would be less disoriented than the young Clarity. He walked over to the boy and lifted the cuff from his wrist tapping a few buttons on the screen behind the boy stopping the sedatives flow. A few moments passed and the young boy started to awaken.

"Hey, Easy Raymond,'ve been through quite the ordeal." Rip told the boy helping him sit upright. Young Ray looked up at him groggily before panic set in.

"My angel, is she okay now? Like for real? She's not dying again is she?" Young Ray asked frantically as he looked around not seeing her in the room latching tightly onto Rip's jacket seeking answers.

"Relax, she's perfectly fine now, don't worry." Rip calmed the boy gently uncurling his fingers from his coat the boy sighing in relief before looking around with a frown as he noticed something very different.

"Is something wrong with Wavie? Why does she look all green? I liked her better blue." Ray observed not liking the change.

"As did I, but she had to get a new operating system for a while. It's only temporary so she'll be back to blue in no time." Rip informed him.

"Alright, clothes delivery for mini Pachirisu." Sara announced walking in the room a bundle of neatly folded clothes in her arms, a pair of converse atop the bundle.

"What's a pachirisu?" Ray asked Sara confused never having heard the word before.

"A future type of Pokémon, it's like a blue and white squirrel version of a pikachu." Sara explained to the young boy.

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