Chapter 3: Reunion

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Shinobu was angry. She was currently at the cafe near the mall nursing a cup of jasmine tea as she impatiently checked her cracked phone every five minutes. Kamado was late. Although she didn't have any expectations, he still managed to disappoint her by not showing up even though it had been almost half an hour past their designated meeting time. Shinobu took another sip of her cold tea as she checked her phone again. She had texted him earlier but he hadn't read it yet. To calm her anger, she had been looking up the average price of CT scans in case he made her wait any longer. She sighed as she took another sip. The tea was excellent and it calmed her anger, though it also increased her anger as she would have preferred to enjoy a hot tea.

She raised her hand to order the tiramisu when she heard the bell ring at the front of the store. Her eyes turned to the front to see a rowdy group of high schoolers. The one with choppy black hair as glancing around the cafe with his hand clenching the arm of a sleepy looking boy with burgundy tipped hair. There was also a girl with them with orange tipped hair obviously flirting with a boy with straight bangs and piercing pink eyes. Shinobu instinctively looked for one more in the group and was oddly disappointed when she couldn't find him. Someone with a beautiful face with a body of a burly man and a penchant for pinky promises. She paused. There it was again. That wave of nostalgia and the confusion that comes with it. Her reality felt wrong and that she didn't quite belong in this era because there were too many things missing.

"Gyah!" a sound interrupted her thoughts as she looked up from her tea. The group of high schoolers were in  front of her table and the sound seemed to have come from the boy with choppy bangs. He looked as if he was debating on fainting or fighting and both did not sound like promising options.

"Are- Are you from Sekirei Academy?!" the tall boy shouted with heavy breathing as he openly starred at her. Shinobu felt chills go up her spine and she gripped the cup in case of self defense. He was radiating creepy vibes as she felt his stare crawl on her skin.

"Why yes. How may I help you?" she said with an edge in her voice. The boy seemed to ignore it as he grabbed the burgundy tipped boy, who she recognized as Kamado and gripped her cup even tighter, by the collar.

"Sumihiko! How the HELL did you get into contact with a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN like her?!"  he shook Kamado's collar as Kamado's head flailed around like a rag doll. "And WHY did it take you THIS LONG to tell me about it?!" Shinobu scooted away from him. He wasn't just creepy. He was also gross.

"Excuse me, Kamado?" Shinobu interrupted to quickly change the topoic.

""Yes?"" both the Kamado she knew and the boy with purple eyes responded. Kamado (red) wiggled out of his constraint and waited for her to continue the sentence.

"Who are your friends?" Shinobu asked with her perfectly fake smile. It was the basic skill all young ladies should have. Perfect for all occasions especially with people one wouldn't want to deal with. Also perfect for giving CT bills to people who gave her a head injury.

"HELLO!" the creepy boy shouted before giving a perfect ninety degree bow. "My name is Yoshiteru Agatsuma! I am a healthy energetic second year student and my hobbies are reading and long romantic walks on the beach! Will you PLEASE go out with m-" His introduction was cut short by the girl knocking his head down with her fist. Shinobu was glad that she knocked him down first though the cup in her hand seems to be more harmless than her fist.

"Can you NOT embarrass me?" the girl exclaimed while giving him another knock for good measures. She smiled at Shinobu as if she didn't commit an act of violence.

"Sorry about my little brother. He's always like this around girls. Anyways, my name is Toko Agatmatsu and I'm a third year. This is my boyfriend and Sumihiko-kun's brother Kanata Kamado." She clutched onto the pink eyed boy's arm as she said so. Kanata smiled as she did and brought her closer to him causing her to squeal. Looking closer, the two of them were wearing matching rings only emphasizing how much of a lovey dovey couple they were.

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