Chapter 7: Date

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Shinobu was nervous. It was her first mission as the insect pillar, and because of that, Oyakata-sama had paired her up with someone she couldn't handle. Tomioka Giyuu. And it was because of this fool that she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he hadn't been so damn absent minded, he would have noticed the demon sneaking up on him. But instead Shinobu tried to save him and then proceeded to trip on a tree root. She accidentally threw her sword and it somehow miraculously stabbed the demon. And by another stroke of luck, the poison managed to enter its blood stream causing it to die. Mission accomplished somewhat. But now she was on the floor looking hardly as dignified as her sister had once been and her sword was way off to the side. When Tomioka helped her up, she winced at the pain in her ankle. 

It was sprained. How embarrassing.

And that is the context of why Tomioka Giyuu, the water pillar that was known for his stoic grace, was carrying Shinobu Kocho, the insect pillar known for her poisonous stabs, like a sack of rice as he ran across the forest. She was absolutely mortified. If anyone saw her like this, she'll never be able to return to the town. Her feet started thrashing about as she commanded him to stop, but he just won't listen. It wasn't until the blade in her shoe finally came out did he stop running.

"Put me down Tomioka-san."


"Put me down Tomioka-san."


"Put me down Tomioka Giyuu. This is why no one likes you."

"You'll slow us down with that ankle." Tomioka said warily as he reluctantly put her down.

"And you'll make us the talk of the town. It's an infiltration mission. Not a circus." She argued as she limped towards the direction of the town. He sighed and scooped her back up again for another round of pretend rice sack.

"At least carry me properly!" she protested as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Then I won't be able to use my sword."

"Then at least give me a piggyback ride. We'll look more natural that way. Just say your sister got injured in an accident and you're looking for shelter. You don't want to look like a child abductor do you?" He sighed and let her climb onto his back. She squeaked when he got up and started running. Her face was flushed and she tried to distance her body from her back, but that just resulted in her swaying back and forth uncontrollably. So she tightened her hold around his neck and buried her face in her hair. She was a stone statue. Just stay very still to cause the least amount of problems to her partner.

She hoped that Tomioka couldn't hear her heartbeat racing through her clothes.


It was graduation day for Sabito and Giyuu and it'll be the first time they've seen each other since that day at the picnic table. Giyuu had been sulking alone and avoiding her text messages, but Makomo and Sabito updated her on his condition from time to time. To be fair however, she hadn't given her full effort to contact him again. Ever since Shinobu remembered his rejection, it seemed as if her memories weren't being held back anymore and every night she had gotten a reminder of the fact that she, Shinobo Kocho, was in love with Tomioka Giyuu. Shinobu had expected that there would be more big moments like the scene at the river, but rather it was the small ones. When he would casually take her luggage to the Butterfly Mansion. Dropping by and getting medicine for a cold and then drinking tea with her on the veranda. Going to the festival with everyone and him catching the goldfish that swam in her fish tank. Shooing away dogs. Eating with her. 

Once they were even confused for a married couple, and he didn't even bother denying it. She knew he didn't care, but it made her so happy when he didn't deny it. Up to the day she died, Tomioka never failed to make her heart race. She was foolish. Longing after his shadow when the real one didn't want anything to do with her. 

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