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Some people started their love stories from being in the park, some where from school excursions, blind dates, school outings, crushes from afar, hating to dating and what have you. And now I see mine clearly, how I fell in love with him was something unimaginable

And I still believe that if i wasn't the grumpy, and sassy  Meera Johnson, I wouldn't have had a love story to write about with the perverted, goofy, intelligent and handsome douche called Dozie freaking Matthews ..

Maybe you still don't get it. Anyway, permit me to introduce myself to you.

my name is Meera Johnson. I'm a final year student of Berley international high school. I'm the social prefect of Berley high and  I'm arts also I'm one of the best singers at school. Anyway I'm just a girl with three dimwits as my friends,a crush who has no dumb idea that I like him and the stupid bully who I'm stuck with  ( mr Dozie stupid mattew) waiting to be punished.

Are you suprised I'm still being punished even as a prefect? Well I am too.cause if dozie had been a little sensible we wouldn't be in miss joy's trap.

" hey chin chin "  a voice snapped jerking me out of my thoughts.I raised up my face to see the caller.there was only one person who called me by that stupid nickname.

And ooh. Speak of the devil

It was stupid dozie in all his glory. I immediately scowled at his presence

" cow! "I snort angrily at him.while he smirked..

He ran his hands on my neatly arranged hair "  Did you eat shit for breakfast. Why does your facial expression sucks " he asked giving me a goofy smile.

" if I ever had a breakfast I would have eaten a whole alphabet and spit out something more sensible than what your foul mouth just said " I retort still scowling.

He chuckled lightly. Patting my hair roughly. Like am his little puppy 

" grow up chin chin " he said still wearing the goofy smile as miss joy walked in.


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Ujurita xoxo


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