æ6: home& silence

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The house was so silent that you could hear a pin drop to the floor.I walked steadily to mum's room and pushed the door open.her bed was neatly arranged and so was her room.that only meant that she wasn't yet back from work.I walked to kelechi's room, his bed wasn't that arranged but at least his room was a bit tidy.

There were no clothes spread across the room.I took a brief glance around his room and shrugged before pulling my feets to my own room. I took a deep sigh as I flopped myself on the medium sized mahogany wooden bed which was painted brown. My sister's bed too had the same colour.my room was abit wide for two of us.

I layed down with my body facing the white ceiling.the room was painted with a combination of purple and pink colour.each of us had a white painted closet to ourselves and a reading table too.the only thing which differentiated our space was the big Artistic drawing of Uju which hung proudly in a silver frame by her bedside and a huge poster of her favourite girl band artist which happened to be LITTLE MIX

my space was different tho.I had a portrait of our family picture where mum and kelechi posed as our parents at both side of Uju and I who were sitted on a sofa.we were all on Ankara and we all had a smiley look on our faces. Then a poster of my favorite artists who was Alessia Cara and the Pentatonix which hung at my bedside.

Across the room where there was a door leading to the toilets, Uju had told an artist to paint pictures of lipsticks, perfumes, roses, lips, dresses, wines and etc on the wall where our vanity table was close to.and a huge dressing mirror with a purple and pink frame hanging on the wall.

The brown windows were binding and it gave the room a more serious look.I chuckled when I remembered how Uju had kept telling me to remind her to change the looks of this room cause it's been a year since we had it like this and the only better thing we did was to repaint and refurbish the looks.well, I reminded her but she didn't act like she was interested. Maybe it's because of the portrait of our family picture on the wall.

I slowly drag myself up from the bed and wrap a towel around my body.I wore my shower cap and made my way to the bathroom. Few minutes later I had finished bathing when I heard slight sobs. I quickly get agitated. No one was in the house so far as I remember. So I got into the bathroom back, grabbing a toilet mop stick along with me I slowly push the door open.

Okay meera no need to fear it's just Uju
I stare at her in suprise.when did she get in and why was she sobbing?

" hey Uju " I say and she quickly uses her hands to dry up her tears but to late.I already saw her

" Hey sis " she said trying to smile

" when did you get back.I didn't hear when you came in " I ask

" you were showering." She replied "how was school by the way?"

" school was fine and we didn't learn much.and you how was your shoot ?"

She stands up from the bed completely ignoring my question. This made me more curious as I look at her worriedly

" did you have a bad day ?" I ask.she goes over to the vanity table and picks up a nude cortex to apply on her nails

" have you eaten? " i ask again and she still ignores me.I groan inwardly. This my sister was so damn weird.

One minute she's smiling at you and the next she completely ignores you like she never knew you were talking to her.but I wasn't going to stop asking anyway and she knew better than ignoring me

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