æ5: Getting revenge

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I walked silently back to class.it was break over and few hours more, we'd close for the day.if you ask me,

I don't think I was even ready to go home.you know apart from catching up with friends and other classmates. It was really good to be back to school.

I sat down on my seat, and few minutes later Mrs Joy walked into the class with Adam trailing behind her.Mrs joy was our English teacher though.throughout today we hadn't learnt much.maybe cause it was still the first day of school.

" settle down everyone " she called out as students quickly scurried to their seats, quickly dismissing the small chit chat that had been going on.

" hello " someone called beside me and I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that it was Adam.he had a deep voice which sounded so melodic

" hey Adam " I say abit shy and nervous. I wasn't used to talking to him

And I so pray I will be able to concentrate with him sitting beside me.

" have you submitted your prefect Agenda for the term " he asked

" what Agenda? When was that discussed ? "I asked totally clueless

" the one principal Jordan had asked us to write today "

" oh " i mouthed in realisation.I had totally forgotten

" don't worry you can still write it tomorrow or rather before the week runs out.we will be having our prefects meeting on Saturday " he said giving me a cool smile

" why Saturday? Aren't there better days to hold it up " I ask trying to ignore the happy feeling which was growing in me about Adam smiling at me.

" Saturday looked more convenient for us since there is no school besides the head girl and I have already decided "

I twisted my face into a grim look as I  scoff

" surely. The head girl and you...man I need my beauty sleep on Saturday " I said rolling my eyes and he scoffed

" what's wrong with you...you're not the only one who would love to sleep anyway but at least cut out some slacks for that. It's not even going to take half of your day " he said with a hint of irritation

" don't. Just don't. You know there are boarders here too.and you should have called the prefect board and let them decide when the meeting would hold "

" so what do you think? "He asked more patiently than before.

A small smile graced widely on my lips. Wow.it was weird that we had this conversation now and I mean this was the longest conversation we ever had. And then he comes asking for my opinion

" well, say something " he said snapping his fingers at my face

I looked away shyly " oh sorry"

" but I think.during this prefect meeting on friday after school is going to be more convenient. Looking at the fact that there isn't much going on for the week so we will have enough time then..on Saturday some borders are going to be busy and all.we can't afford to waste their time " I said

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