æ1: Late riser

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Dreams don't work unless you do.
Dreams work even if it's a dream.
Dreams totally exist.

What the hell was I even chanting in my sleep??


I searched slowly for my phone.I had my alarms set on my phone.even though my elder sister had warned me to get a working alarm instead of substituting it for my phone.

She says oneday I'll have to smash my phone against the wall for ringing out alarms. Well, I don't blame her cause right now.I felt like doing that but, I thought about my phone.

My precious phone? Nope.I can't risk that.

Quickly grabbing the phone from my reading table still with half of my eyes closed.I swipe the screen and the lights came on making me squint. Gosh.it's so bright..anyway I checked the time and it was 6:00am.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I have to wake myself up so early..arrghhh I groan inwardly. Tossing the phone to one side of the bed.and returning back to my dream world.

Dreams don't exist...dreams don't. ...

we are here again.we are here again lord we are here again.father come and take control...

I creased my eyebrows. Okay I remember dreaming about dreams but then the song sounded familiar. It didn't even sound like something in my dream.but it was a bit loud. I got up grumpily, dragging my feets to the bathroom to do my hygiene.

I still don't even have an idea of what today was. But i knew once i was done i'll quickly toss myself to my bed again. My phone rang, breaking me out of my reverie. I got out from the bathroom to pick it up

Caller id. Sandwich♥..I groaned again.why was she calling this early.Sandwich was my bestie Annette.I called her sandwich cause she was abit smallish.smallishly cute anyway.

I swiped the green button " hello"

" wakey wakey sleepy head " she sang cheerfully. I removed the phone from my ears.her voice was a little loud

" why are you shouting na ? " I asked grumpily

" abeg .I know you're still sleeping sha abi you're coming to school today ?" She asked and I blink my eyes in confusion

" school? Which school? "

" ode today is monday and it's the first day of school. Don't tell me you've forgotten? " she asked and I could imagine her snickering at the background.

" Jesus" I exclaimed

" Christ of Nazareth " she replied in a mock tone " if you like don't come.I won't even cover up for you when principal Jordan asks " she said hanging up

This wicked girl sha...I muttered.scratching my hair in utter confusion.today was the first day of and today was monday.God what was I thinking ?

I rushed out of the bathroom to check the time.now was after 6.and I could hear my mum's voice

" Uju conclude the prayer " my mum was saying. I gasped. I just missed morning prayers too.

I quickly dashed out to the sitting room.my mum, Uju my elder sister and kelechi my older brother were in a kneeling position. I silently joined them.kneeling too as uju said the grace and afterwards we were done praying

" mummy good morning " I said after my siblings had greeted. My mum looked up from where she sat, reading her bible.she scrutinized me for a minute before speaking

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