æ4:annoying jerk

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I sat at the long table in the cafeteria with my favorite duo.we were all talking about random things.yeah, that's right.I later found my way to the cafeteria after series of wishing dozie curses for scattering my hair.

Hair is  really  important to girls you know.

Sandwich was saying something funny which made sophie and I laugh out loud

" hey look! It's my favourite  three musketeers " a sacarstic voice rang out behind us.we turned back to the caller and there stood depriye and sola.

They were both science students and they were kind of close with sophie.though depriye was Adam's friend and also dozie's.

Yeah they were three friends and I call them demons..

while sola was just sophie's nerdy friend.she was abit dark and chubby but had nice curves.her face was the kind you would refer to as 'dark beauty ' she had lovely eyes which were hooded in a red framed glasses and her deep lovely dimples graced the side of her cheeks.her lips were pink and full. And no matter how nerdy  Sola looked, she was still every guys favourite cause she was beautiful and smart.


We became close cause of sola was and is still reading partners with sophie and being that, they got along so well.she introduced sola to us and we all clicked so well.and about depriye...sola and depriye had started dating since ss1 and being friends with her.she couldn't help but drag her friendly and annoying boyfriend into our click.

" hey Priye I also missed you and your sorry ass " I replied smirking at him.he flashed me a cute grin as he sat down beside Sola who was comfortable in between Annette and her annoying boyfriend.

" you mean this ass you kept dreaming about during the holidays" he replied smirking and I scoff

" eww.." I was about to say something when sola beat me to it by smacking Priye's head

" Ouch " he cried and she glared at him through her eyeglass

" you idiot..you have your girlfriend beside you.stop flirting " she warned and we laughed as Priye gave a cute pout

" I was going to tell her I'm taken anyway " he said and I mutter to Sola

" now you realize what an asshole you are dating. He's way too clumsy " I said shooking my head as we all laughed about it.

" where are the other two assholes..umm..scratch that. Only one is an asshole " I ask still wearing a smug look on my face

" you mean my awesome twins ?" Priye asked winking and I scoff

" more like awesome idiot "

" one idiot happened to be your crush" Sophie said and I quickly face palmed myself

" no.no.no..one idiot happened to be really an idiot and one is just totally awesome. " I said in defense and they all chuckled.

It was an open secret to all of them that I had a crush on Adam. Well, except that Adam knew nothing about it.and that's because I told them..even Priye  I warned them.okay, more like I begged them not to tell him

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