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5 Weeks earlier

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Seoyeon was abruptly woken up by a commotion happening outside. Sliding out from under Kun's arm, she quickly hopped out of bed to see what was going on. The gates were being opened and an unfamiliar male walked through. His clothes were covered in dirt and stained — probably by blood — and there was a limp evident on his left side.

She turned away from the window and walked back to the bed, gently shaking her boyfriend awake.

"Kun? Kun!"

"Huh? What's going on?" He replied, his voice a deeper and more raspier tenor than usual.

Seoyeon loved the sound of his voice in the early mornings, but there was no time to enjoy it today.

"A stranger just walked through the gates."

Her words were all that were needed to wake Kun up. Jumping from the bed, he began pulling on his clothes. They both got dressed quickly and made their way towards the camp's entrance.

Taeyong was already examining the man for bites when they showed up. Seoyeon stepped towards them, her voice no louder than a soft whisper as she asked their leader if he had questioned the stranger before letting him in. Taeyong nodded in return. He always stuck to the rules and this time was no different.

As Seoyeon offered her assistance in the inspection of the new arrival, Kun did his own analysis from a small distance and he wasn't happy with the results. He had been quick to notice the way the man was staring at his girlfriend, his blood boiling when he caught him licking his lips as his girlfriend bent over to hand Taeyong a wet cloth.

There was something else about the guy that Kun didn't like nor trust, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was. The stranger looked like a typical bad boy; ruffled black hair, dark eyebrows that made his piercing green eyes stand out against his dirty face and a stubbled beard paired with a smug look plastered on his face. He screamed bad news to Kun.

As Kun came to his own conclusions, the rest of the group didn't seem to mind the newcomer and made their way over to him to introduce themselves.

Seoyeon strode back to where her boyfriend was standing, giving him all the details she had gathered. His name was Josh. A 26 year old American who had been traveling on his own for a while after his group had been killed. He had recently fought off an Alpha Zombie, the reason for his limp, but he wasn't bitten nor did he have any scratches.

At the mention of the last part, Kun put his hand on his stomach where he had been scratched by an Alpha not too long ago. The infection was gone, but it had left a scar. Knowing this Josh person had walked away without any made him dislike him even more.

"He says there's a safe haven in Gwangju," Seoyeon concluded.

"So? We're in one right here," Kun said. He sounded a little annoyed, something Seoyeon wasn't used from him, but decided to ignore it.

"No, like a real one. The government has set up this huge underground community in some kind of nuclear cellar of sorts. They have everything there, Kun. Everything we had before the Outbreak, it's there."

Kun huffed. Of course there was. If that was truly the case, why hadn't no one ever heard of it before? And then the realization hit him. He had figured out what it was about Josh that he couldn't stand. He was one of those new religion believers who sold bullshit to everyone he met; about cures and communities build by the government or military. He was the type of guy who could smooth talk Seoyeon into leaving their current camp — which was actually relatively safe — just because she had always hold out hope for a real future.

Walkers {Kun // NCT au}Where stories live. Discover now