Chapter 2

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Once Abby and I go sit back down with the rest of the younger players, the conversation was pretty light. It was mostly everyone just catching up, so I stayed mostly quiet but I enjoyed it. Then as all of us were finishing our meals, Mal turns to me with a smirk on her face, "Are you ready for team bonding tonight?"

"Um..." I grow confused, as I see the girls sharing knowing looks with one another, "Yah, I think so... should I not be?"

Sonnett completely loses it with laughter. But before she can explain why, Pinoe announces, "Team bonding in five minutes in Alex and the rookie's room!"

"Should I be concerned?" I ask again to Abby, who's sitting next to me.

"You'll be fine, kid," Abby says with a smile that reassures me a little.

That is until Sam says with a smirk, "Unless Pinoe and Kelley decide to gang up on you, that's what happened to Rose her first call up."

Rose slaps Sam's shoulder, "Don't scare the girl, Sam!" Before she turns to me and tries to reassure me, "It wasn't that bad."

That bad?! What the hell are they going to ask?! I laugh with the two of them, as I try to ignore the sudden nerves I was feeling. It wasn't even a practice, but I was worried that they wouldn't like me. I shove the thoughts away, as we all cram into one elevator. After 15 minutes everyone is settled in the small hotel room, as I'm seated on my bed between Kelley and Becky. Pinoe's voice grabs everyone's attention, even though her words are mostly aimed towards me, "So, Ryn, since you're new, we always want to get to know the person we will be playing with, so it's a tradition to do a round of rapid-fire."

"Ok," I say with the shrug of my shoulders, not really worried about people asking questions. 

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of secrets that I can't have them knowing about, but I'm a very good liar and used to people asking questions.

"Alright, great!" Pinoe says with a smile, "Let's get started, who wants to ask first?"

"Favorite color?" Mal yells out.

Alright, easy, "Dark green or burgundy," I say confidently.

"Sense of style?" Abby asks.

"You're looking at it," I laugh, pointing to my black leggings and oversized grey hoodie. "I wear whatever's comfortable, but I say it's pretty athleisure wear and more masculine."

"Sexuality?" Pinoe asks with a smirk.

I let out a small laugh, before quickly saying, "I'm gay."

"Ha, I knew it! Pay up!" Pinoe yells, turning to Ash.

"Damn," Ash says, finishing for money in her pocket.

"You bet on if I'm gay?" I ask with a small laugh, as the rest of the team laughs at the two of them.

"I can't believe you two," Carli says, rolling her eyes at the two players' actions, "I'm sorry about them."

"Wow, I'm just surprised," I say honestly.

"Surprised by what?" Kelley asks confused.

"All my friends say and I quote, 'you radiate the gay energy.' And I'm 'the gayest person they know'" I say with a small laugh.

"I told you, your gaydar is broken, Ash," Pinoe says with a smile, as I laugh at the two of them.

Ash dramatically gasps, before saying, "Take that back!"

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