Chapter 6

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As I walk back into Christen and I's hotel room, I finally turn my phone back on. I see my Instagram notifications continually start to grow, as more and more people have to request to follow me, probably from seeing me play with the national team. My eyes widen, but I ignore them as I scroll through my home screen. I decide to check in with Mia, as I finally have a moment of peace and quiet.

That is until I hear someone scream, "Ryn!" from the hallway. I laugh shaking my head, knowing it's probably Sonnett, Mal, or Lindsey chasing after each other.

Right as I open my door and step out of the room, I hear Mal yell, "Duck!"

I turn to see a shoe flying at my face, using my reflexes I catch it before it can do any damage. "What the hell is going on out here?!" I yell.

I now notice that Mal's hair is soaking wet, as she replies, "Sonnett woke me up by dumping ice water on me! And now she's going to die!" I laugh, as I catch Mal's arm from running after 

Sonnett. "What are you doing?!" Mal says, trying to get away from me and continue her chase after Sonnett.

"I've got a better idea," I say with a smirk.

"What's the plan?" Mal asks with her own smirk spreading on her face.

After an hour, I finally get the signal from Rose that Sonnett is in the shower. Mal and I ended up roping Rose, Lindsey, Sam, and Abby into this prank, seeing as Emily had also pranked them over this camp. All six of us walk into Sonnett and Rose's bathroom with buckets full of ice water, and we hear Emily singing to a song in the shower. We all get ready, as I silently count down with my fingers, 3...2...1.

All six of us dump the buckets up over the shower curtain, and what could be heard is only describable as a blood curdling scream come from Emily as the ice water hits her.

"Oh my god!" Emily yells, poking her head from around the shower curtain. "I can't believe you guys!"

"Just don't pour ice cold water on me, and this won't happen," Mal says with a triumphant smile.

Emily quickly shoos us out of her bathroom, as we continue to laugh and make fun of how high pitched her scream was. When we finally exit the room, we find Alex, Kelley, Pinoe, Carli, and Becky all with concerned expressions waiting for us. "What happened in there?" Carli asks looking worried.

"We just got back at Sonnett," I say with a smirk.

"Did you murder her? Cause that was a scream straight out of a horror film," Kelley laughs.

"Just a little ice water," Abby smirks.

Alex, shaking her head, replies laughing, "I can't believe you guys."

The next couple of days went by in a flash, and another game day was upon us. We again had to travel, this time from France to Spain. Just like before warm-ups seemed to fly by, and before I knew it the ref blew the whistle to start the game. I'm again sitting on the sideline, but still not shocked by it. I'm still a new player and still need to prove that I belong here. My last game was amazing, but I'm still competing for a spot with some of the best players in the world on the best team in the world.

I never realized how good Spain is, seeing as they're able to hold the game at 0-0 to half time. That wasn't to say we haven't had any good chances, but again like with France, none of them landed into the back of the net. During half time Jill starts to announce who she's subbing in, and I again freeze when I hear her say, "I'll be subbing Tierna for Sonnett, Lindsey for Mal, Christen for Megan and Ryn for Tobin."

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