Chapter 12

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"I just want to talk," Alex says, her voice sounding more vulnerable than any adult I've ever heard. Not lifting myself from my position on the floor, I reach for the door handle. I slide the door back into its pocket in the wall, revealing Alex also sitting on the floor. Her head snaps to face me, as I can see her expression practically break when she sees my face. We stay silent for a moment, as her eyes take in the rest of my visible injuries. Once her eyes meet mine again, she instantly pulls me into a hug. Unable to keep my emotions in check, I break down into tears in her arms. Alex instantly starts rubbing circles on my back, as I soak her t-shirt.

After I finally get my tears under control, Alex asks, "What happened, Ryn?" I look down to the floor, unable to look her in the eye. Again, Alex questions, "Ryn, who did this to you?" She forces me to look at her after putting two fingers under my chin. I can see her heart break, as more tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"I-it was...m-my foster father," I finally admit, as I again break down into tears against her shoulder, "It was all my fault, I knew if—"

Alex quickly cuts off my rambling, as she pulls me in front of her saying, "Ryn. None of this is your fault. You got that. There is no reason for someone to ever treat you like this. Ever. You have to understand that." Alex's pleading eyes needing me to understand her words, "None of this is your fault, Ryn," she repeats.

I scrunch my eyes together in an attempt to not cry, as I hesitantly nod my head—unsure if I mean it. Alex pulls me back into a hug, as I try to control my breathing again. After a couple of moments with the only sound being my sniffles, I choke out, "I'm going to be moved to a new foster home soon, and I have to talk with the police tomorrow morning."

"Shh, how about we just focus on you getting some rest," Alex coos, as we're still sitting on the hospital floor. As Alex carries me over to my bed and lays down still holding me, I start to explain everything the doctors said and what's going to happen tomorrow. I don't realize how tired I am, as I can't even remember falling asleep—but I do.

The next thing I know, I'm jolted awake by many footsteps walking into my room. I open my eyes, as my body is snuggled against Alex's in the small bed. I see Allie, Pinoe, Ash, and Ali all rushing into my room, as Allie's face goes pale when she sees me. "What happened?" she asks looking heartbroken.

"Yes, I would like to know who's ass I have to kick," Ash says, as anger takes over her face. I see Ali rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder, as Pinoe also looks extremely worried and awaiting my response.

Before I can answer, thankfully Alex wakes up and says, "Shh, let Ryn get her rest."

"I'm up now," I chuckle, as I check to see I only got an hour of sleep.

"What happened?" Pinoe asks. I look over to Alex, and she just nods her head knowing I don't want to explain everything to someone else. "Why don't we go out in the hallway, so Ryn can get some more sleep." She shoots me a pointed look, as I know she wants me to go back to sleep. All the veterans leave the hospital room, as I try to curl up and get warm under the thin hospital blankets.

Alex's pov:

After explaining to my four other teammates what Ryn told me, Ash says even more angry than before, "I'm going to kill him."

I know it's coming from a protective place, so I say, "Ryn, already told her doctor, who talked with local law enforcement. They're going to find him, and when they do, arrest him."

I can see Ali take a deep breath before muttering, "Thank god."

"I want to let Ryn get some rest because I know the doctors will wake her up early in the morning for rounds, and the police also want to question her in the morning. Along with the fact that Ryn still wants to take her final tomorrow afternoon," I ramble out, as I can tell all the girls are against this.

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