Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A morning breeze blew through the window of a young woman's room, causing the young woman to awaken from her slumber. She opened her eyes, the morning light touching her flowing white hair as she sat up.

"It's so bright..." she thought to herself as she turned around to get out of her bed. "The sunlight feels so soft today. It's so graceful... I only wish that this sun wouldn't go down. I wish to stay in the light."

Her crystal blue eyes lit up at the sight of the soft sunlight entering her room through her window. The young lady slowly got up from her silk seamed bed and made her way towards her dusty old mirror. Her reflection was the same as always was each morning. This never stopped her from wondering if she would ever change though.

Ignoring her thoughts for a moment, she quickly changed into her normal form of clothing, a light cyan dress with silver bows which were wrapped around and tied at the back. The young women then picked up a hand-me-down blue ribbon given to her by her grandmother. The young women stared down at the translucent blue ribbon in her hands and then she began to tie it around her eyes.

"Grandmother makes me wear the strangest things. I wonder when I'll be allowed to stop wearing this in public."

Ignoring her thoughts again, the young women wandered downstairs.

"I swear you have to tell her one day mother ..."

Lila hid behind the door, listening in on them. They always seemed to talk just about her and some strange power. Lila never brought it up though, but she wondered what this power grandmother had been telling her about since she was a child was. Her mother never said anything mainly because Lila knew her mother never really loved her. This was because of what had happened to her father.

"I shall tell her in good time my dear, do not worry," her grandmother replied. "Lila shall know soon enough of what she can do."

"We'll know soon enough. I swear I keep seeing that light before I go to bed."

"G...Good morning mother... Grandmother." Lila entered the room and bowed to them both. She held onto the door handle, looking in their general direction.

"Ah Lila good morning," her grandmother smiled. Lila returned it. "I'm sure you had a nice sleep?"

"Yes grandmother... I'm ready to go with you."

She picked up her shopping basket off the shelf. She beamed; she loved going on shopping trips with her grandmother. She could talk about almost anything while she was with her.

"Oh yes, we must leave." Her grandmother walked slowly out the front door and Lila followed her.

The London streets were always packed. It was always busy at any time of day or night. Lila always enjoyed watching people, mostly families pass by her... It reminded her of when her father was alive and her family was happy... Lila knew that wasn't going to happen again.

" Lila, would you like to take a different route today? " her grandmother asked. Lila had always liked the feel of change; it showed in her face and her grandmother noticed this. Lila looked toward her grandmother and simply nodded. She took her grandmother's hand and they walked down a route filled with gardens. Lila look upon the many different flowers, some of which she hadn't seen before.

"This route is beautiful grandmother."

Her grandmother simply smiled at her reply.

"I brought you here because I must tell you something very important," her grandmother said in a serious tone. Lila never knew that she could sound that serious. "This news will change your life.

"Lila you have a power, a power that only our family can control. This power was passed down to you by your father." Her grandmother shook in fear of Lila, holding her hand. Lila was confused. "Lila, I know you've heard your mother's with me, but do not worry, your mother doesn't know. She doesn't hold the power that you and I hold. Lila you mustn't let anyone use your powers for evil. You are still young and do not understand, but there is a time where one being will understand. They will help you understand this power and control it, do you understand?"

"But grandmother why cannot you tell me?" Lila said, nodding. "Aren't you are old and wise?"

Her grandmother shook her head. "No, because my wisdom is getting as old as I am. Given my age, I can only remember the important things which I must tell you now."

Her grandmother let go of her hand and walked back a step.

"Your mother told me to take you here before I send you off. She also told me she does love you. She was an idiot of a woman making you think she didn't love you Lila." Her grandmother waved her hand across Lila's body. Small balls of light showed up around the young woman.

"Wait grandmother! Where are you sending me? Why do I have to leave grandmother....?"

Lila tried to walk but she was stuck in place. She started crying out of fear.

"Grandmother please tell me!" Lila pleaded.

"There's a powerful man here. I don't want him to find you and use you for your power. I will use my last breath to send you where you are most safe. RememberLila: don't take off that ribbon until you find someone you can trust with your secret."

With that, all Lila saw was white.

Lila slowly opened her eyes. Her ribbon was in her hands and her dress was covered in sand. She slowly sat up and looked at her surroundings. She was in an abandoned building with small pots that were cracked and unused. There was a doorway leading to the outside, but before she could leave she noticed something shiny at her feet. Looking closer, she realized they were seven gold coins. She gathered them up and placed them in her pocket. Lila put her ribbon on even though she didn't know where she was. She still followed her grandmother's rules.

She slowly walked out of the building. When she looked back she could see the building had not been cared for and could cave in on itself at any minute. Lila wandered into the street, looking up at the buildings. They looked like they were made of sand or some sort of brick but she wasn't sure. Lila turned a corner and wandered into a marketplace. Her eyes lit up at the many different items they were selling. Lila looked into her pocket at the small amount of money she had and then at the locals. She realized they were Arabian.

Lila walked a little ways before accidentally walking into an old man selling some clothes. He mainly sold robes, which Lila took more of an interest in.

"I see you like the robes. Which one are you hoping to buy?" asked he old man. "Not from around here? I'll help you out."

The old man picked up a sliver robe with cyan lining across the ends of the sleeves.

"This should suit you just nicely. Now does a pretty lady like you have two gold coins?" he asked her. Lila looked at the old man and nodded. She retrieved two coins and gave it to the shop keeper.

Lila put on her new robe. Her new clothes suited her and her hair very well. She turned back to the old man.

"Thank you sir for picking this out for me but may I ask one simple question?"she asked. "What is this town called?"

"Young lady this is not a town; this is a city," the man said, surprised. "I was right, you aren't from around here... Well this is Agrabah, the greatest city in the seven deserts."

Lila looked up into the sky. "Agrabah... "

"Now if you want help fitting in ask a boy by the name of Aladdin. He'll help you out. Oh there he is now with that woman over there."

He pointed at a young boy with a monkey on his shoulder that was helping a young lady.

Lila nodded at him, thanked the old man and slowly began to walk up to the boy.

"Maybe this boy will help me with my powers or at least help me find the one who will," she thought to herself.

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