Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When all of them entered back to the white world, the portal behind them closed. They immediately changed back to their normal shapes. The carpet and the lamp were Still on the white floor just like the portals remained in that world.

"What about that one over there?" Iago proposed and pointed to a portal on the left. Aladdin stepped closer to the portal which looked like a strange place, yet to him somehow it was familiar.

"Let's give it a try," Aladdin finally said and the gang went through the portal. This time it wasn't as bad as the previous one and they sighed with relief that they stayed in the same forms. Everyone expect Genie. He felt a strange force taking his newly found freedom away and tried to trap him in a small object. He tried to fight against it, but it was useless and he got trapped once again.

"Hey, where's Genie?" Aladdin asked when he noticed that his friend was not with them. They all looked around calling his name, but Genie was nowhere to be found. Something caught Aladdin's eyes on the ground. It was Genie's lamp. He picked up and saw a strange symbol on it that he had never seen before on the lamp. Thinking Genie may be in it, to rub it, but nothing happened. "That's strange."

"Did you find something?" Jasmine asked.

"This," Aladdin held up the lamp for her and Iago. "It looks like Genie's lamp and I thought he might be in it, but when I rubbed it nothing happened. And look at this symbol," he said and pointed to it on the lamp's surface.

"I think this is just the effects of this world," Iago said landing on Aladdin's shoulder. "After all, you turned into ponies in that earlier one. Who knows how this world works."

"Maybe you're right," Aladdin said and tucked the lamp to his belt. "Come on, we have to find Lila! She might be here." They nodded and started to walk. As they went, Aladdin started to have a bad feeling about that place. Not only he didn't like the fact that Genie couldn't be with them here, but the place looked to him too familiar. Even with some differences, it looked like the Cave of Wonders.

A bit later, they arrived to a hall's entrance. In the hall, near to the walls, there were golden monkey statues which looked like the one Aladdin saw in the treasure cave. In front of them a huge tiger head was in the front wall and in its mouth a huge door was standing. Jasmine wanted to go to that door, but Aladdin stopped her holding his arm before her.

"Wait! I don't think it's a good idea to go in."

"You mean it's a trap?"

Aladdin nodded. "Something's not right with that place."

"Relax kid," Iago said flying to them. "These are just for decoration," he said and flew around the hall. "Nothing bad's gonna happen," Iago stated and landed on the floor. Suddenly, the ground shook as the tiger's mouth closed. The eyes of the monkey statues started to glow dangerously, narrowing them at the parrot, Aladdin and Jasmine as they stood up from their places.

Iago gulped and laughed nervously. "Or maybe yes." Before they could say anything, the statues started to walk towards them trying to attack and illuminate the intruders. "I think we should GET AWAY FROM HERE!" Iago cried and immediately flew away before one of the statues could hit him. He sighed with relief when he got high enough from the ground, but it was short lived as he noticed that some of the monkey statues started to climb on the walls. Even worse, it seemed like the statues blocked the entrance.

Meanwhile Aladdin and Jasmine were trying to block the attacks. Even if those golden statues weren't that fast, their strong hits and the fact that there were at least twenty of them, made the monkey statues very dangerous. Making things worse, Genie or Carpet wasn't there to help them out. We have to do something, before we get smashed. He thought while he blocked another attack and the fist of the statue hit the wall behind Aladdin. The statue stuck, giving Aladdin enough time to come up with an idea. If we can't defeat them, maybe they can destroy each other.

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