Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Traveling back through into the white realm the gang found themselves looking through another portal while Genie gets a hold of his lamp " I did not like being sucked back into this thing " He muttered as he watched the others look through the many others and by this point Jasmine pointed out at one portal which looking through it had many people wondering past even not taking notice to the portal.

" That's strange the people in this world don't seem to care about the portal being in the middle of nowhere, Aladdin let's try this one I have a good feeling about it " Jasmine said taking Aladdin arm and dragging him along to it. " Alright there's no harm in that and if Lila isn't there we can always come back isn't that right Iago, Genie? " Aladdin asked looking at his two friends, Iago nodded while Genie handed Aladdin his lamp.

" I dunno Al, but I'll be in the lamp if you need me when we get to the other side, I don't want to get my hopes up " Genie said looking the other way for a second but he felt something like someone was watching them but this feeling left as he and the others walked through the portal.

Genie's senses were right he and the others were being watched and this was all due to Lila watching her friends enter a new world, Lila watched as her friends clothes turned into a more modern look to them almost like university styled clothing which was only worn by Aladdin and Jasmine.

Lila watched as Genie proofed into his Lamp as soon as they entered the new world, she watched the reactions of Aladdin and Jasmines as they stared down at the new clothes they were wearing before looking up at the new world, rushing students of Bath University who were all just coming out for their lunch break they heard the sounds of students muttering to themselves about their own lives.

Lila looked down at the fact that Genie's lamp was attached to Aladdin side " I sort of want to talk to Genie so if I just move him maybe.. I'm sure I have enough energy to do that " Lila thought to herself as she was slowly doubting herself about the return of her powers but she waved her hand over the vision and slowly started to move Genie's lamp out of Aladdin pocket but Aladdin had moved at this moment and the lamp moved in a flash and teleported not to Lila but by near the outside of someone door just outside a student campus dome, Lila panicked as she waved the vision away and rushed back into another room panicking over what she had done.

Meanwhile Aladdin had felt something move, as he looked down he panicked as he couldn't see Genie's lamp anywhere on his person " Oh god no I can't find Genie's lamp! " Aladdin said panicking rushing around trying to find it " Where is it?! " Iago said flapping his wings.

" I dunno it was on me and now it's not! " Aladdin replied back.

Jasmine put her hands on Aladdin shoulders trying to calm him down " Don't worry we will find him, I promise we will find him come on let's try to find Lila and Genie " she said taking Aladdin hand as they wondered into the university.

Just outside the campus dome door at number 16 out of a long line of other dome doors a young 22 year old girl came out she had long brown hair which was up to her back but had a sliver high light which curled into the front of her hair line, she was wearing a modern pink top which showed her belly a bit with tight cut jeans from which she pulled out a phone to check out the time before hooking in her headphones.

The young girl looked down for a moment to see Genie's lamp, she looked puzzled for a second as her crystal blue eyes gazed down at the lamp and looked if anyone was near but she shrugged and picked up the lamp looking at it for a moment as if she's seen it before as she think she places it into her bag and wonders off to the library.

Aladdin, Jasmine and Iago had wondered into an outdoor stage which was set up for performing art students to perform there exams on for public viewing and real audience reactions which would help the students with their grades. Jasmine looked up as she could hear music coming from the stage.

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