Chapter 25: Teasing, Torture and Sarcastic Comments

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Luke's POV

I'd been getting these texts for a couple of days. I didn't know who it was. I knew about Kate and Jayne's past, but I had no idea that they wanted the girls back. The girls had warned us to stay away from them at first. But we wouldn't give in...I loved her and there was no way I was letting her go. I knew she was in the hospital somewhere, probably usual. But Jayne asking where she was didn't help. Ashton obviously didn't know otherwise he would have told her, which made my head play with those texts. They'd know which hospital we would be taken to. She could be gone for all I know. I'd left my phone for her to find incase she did come, I always did this, and then when she asks ash and Jayne where I was and they say I was upset she would look for it and find what was upsetting me. If she found it, she knew me well...maybe a little bit too well. I decide I should walk out and see what's going on, I must have been sat in here for 10 minutes already. I walk out of the men's room towards where I was sat, stopping in my tracks. Sat there on the same chair as me earlier was Kate. They hadn't taken her! I run over to her and she stands up with her arms open for a hug. By the look on Jayne and Ashton's faces she didn't tell them what she hopefully has found.

"It's ok" she whispers in my ear. I look at her before pulling her back into my chest. She knows me well. "I'll help you" she whispers as I pull her back into my chest. She'd already helped me way too much. She ran miles last night to save our lives yet she's still saying she's gonna help me. Any other girl would have run away by now. From the past that she has had to yesterday. She's strong. Nothing seems to get to her any more but I don't get why. She had a bad past with her ex but that really wouldn't make you as strong as she is, it would make you weak and never want to date again. Yet, what hits Kate seems to make her stronger, like it is adding another part of a puzzle to make her shield that is only getting stronger. Making me seem vulnerable, the 6ft 2 guy that runs off into the toilet leaving his phone for his girlfriend to find because of some nasty texts when I should be the one protecting her. She should be the one running off to the toilets crying. I should have been the one running last night. I tense at the thought of leaving her in that flat, I thought she was safer running. If I had my way, Ashton would have ran. Actually no. No one would or we all would. I can't wrap my head around this. It's been a long day. When I look down at Kate she is starting to fall asleep on me. Standing up? She really must be tired.

"I'm gonna go check into a hotel or something. She's had one hell of an day. I think she needs sleep and a nice hot bath" I explain to Ashton getting a nod from him. Jayne looks at Kate, sympathy filling her eyes as she watches her best friend fall asleep.

"I think you need to get her back. She never sleeps just any where!" Jayne laughs. I try and laugh along but some how I can't.

We walk back to my car, the backseats full of Kate's stuff. She walks over to the passenger door, yanking it open.

"I thought you were gonna drive!" I tease only getting a death glare followed by a little laugh. Once she gets buckled in she falls asleep as Green Day plays quietly through the car. 'The holiday' is the next song to play and Kate's stirring in her sleep. She knows this CD too well. Once the strumming of the guitar fills the air she wakes up turning the music louder so she can rock out. She sings along to the track, her voice breaking in parts. It's that time of year, December, winter, Christmas, whatever you want to call it! It's cold and she starts loosing her voice. I pull up into the car park allowing a few minutes to listen to American idiot. After countless head bangs and many weird looks we decide to head in to try and get a room. Kate's hair is a mess...for once. She really was rocking out. She runs her hand through her brown hair, blonde streaks showing an appearance proving her ditziness. She's a dumb blonde and will happily admit it. I must say I'm not the cleverest blonde around. We enter the big ass building holding boxes of junk and suitcases full of god knows what. The receptionist looks me up and down before a wrap my arm around Kate's waist showing her I have a girlfriend. She glares at me before looking away not turning around to look at me again.

"Room for 2 please"

"How many nights?" She asks rudely. God I could slap her and so could Kate. I suddenly want to pull those stupid glasses off her nose and throw them at the floor.

"don't know yet" I don't even give her the pleasure of hearing me say 'I' as I give an equally rude comment back.

"Fine. You can pay up when you go!" She huffs obviously annoyed with my attitude.

"God. Someone's got their knickers in a twist" Kate whispers under her breath but she hears.

"I do not..." she stands up from her desk getting ready to pounce on Kate but gets interrupted by a comment she wasn't expecting.

"Have knickers on? Yeah. I can tell. Can we have our room key now?" Kate replies with a sweet smile, which I know is only making the receptionist get more angry. She huffs and hands us our key.

"I would ask you to show us to our room but I'm sure you need to go buy some underwear instead of giving us directions" Kate says snatching the key out of her hands. "If you just go left you'll find marks and Spencer's. But be careful it's windy outside, we don't want you giving anyone a scare with you wearing a skirt and all that." I laugh at how good the argument is while Kate stands there with a smug look on her, turning it into a smirk. "You might want to cello-tape it down just in case. Have a nice day!" Kate gives the receptionist her sweetest smile and a wave before making her way to the elevator. Another good days work.

Authors Notes

Heyyy!! Sorry I having posted in ages!! I've been having problems thinking of what was gonna happen, not been a natural writer causes a lot of writers blocks! Anyway, thank you to the people who keep adding this book to your reading lists!! I don't know you but please comment!!! Have a good day!!! Ily X

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