Chapter 27: Crying, Screaming But I'd Have No one Else

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Jayne's POV

The text had already been sent. I hadn't asked to be picked up but I wanted to know what they were doing. I still do. When that name came out of Ashton's mouth I was gonna be sick. I felt bad about the things I had said to him but him. Zac. It couldn't be true. It had to be a trick. This was either a practical joke or I was sleeping here for the next few days. Hoping for the first option was like asking for the floor to split down the middle and eat me alive. Believe me, that's all I wanted right now. Ash was sat on the bed, his head in his hands.

"I tried J, I really did. I changed my pin 4 times but he still got it."

"How much has been taken?" It coming out more of a demanding shout than a understanding question. I didn't know if I wanted the answer.

"Nearly all I had in there. Only a couple of thousand left. I'm saving that for an emergency" and this wasn't classed as an emergency? God.

"You have other accounts?" He nods "so why can't we use that money to buy somewhere decent to stay?"

"Because I'm busy getting it converted into a UK bank account J!" He was getting angry now, but he was still calling me J. "Why don't we use your money to buy somewhere decent to stay?" His voice layered with cockiness, he knew exactly why. This wasn't the ash I knew.

"You know why we can't! Mines in a bank account that I can't pull money out of! Part of the reason being that all me and Kate wanted to do was go shopping. I'm sorry that we can't but I didn't really picture having to move into a hotel because my ex came to kill me! I'll get onto the uni tomorrow and see if they can get me another flat fast!" I'd had enough of the past 48 hours, this argument only making it worse. Just as I thought we both calmed down my phone goes off. A text from Kate. I'd asked her what she was doing.

"Hey! It's Luke. She's having a bath right now. I'll get her to text you later! 😁"

"Of course she's having a bath! Because all we have is a grubby shower tray!!" Ash sighs at my outburst. "Luke doesn't know does he?"

"No." He looks up at me "and he doesn't need to know, I'm getting it sorted" he hugs me tight giving me a quick kiss on my forehead, reminding me why I stayed with him instead of asking Kate to pick me up.

"But he could help. You know he would. You know they would! We would pay him back after!"

"No. Nobody needs to know about this. Just us."

"But-" I get cut off by ash

"No J, nobody can know. This is our secret. I know Luke and Kate would help us happily but I need to stand on my own two feet. Just like Luke and Kate do. I know this isn't the best place but it's all I can afford. I don't want Luke or Kate finding out about this, please. They can't know. None of them can." I nod signalling I understand what he is saying. I suppose if I was in his position I wouldn't want many people to know, but I would still tell my best friends.

"You know they are our best friends, we can tell them anything ash. Kate won't come up with any plan and Luke won't pay if we say no." He looks down at me obviously annoyed that I'm still carrying on this argument.

"In time maybe Jayne, in time" I decide to text Luke back or Kate either way you look at it. Their always on each other's phone so if you want one of them you text both hoping to get a reply off one. Relationship goals or confusing, I don't know?

I sit down on the bed, my face wrinkling up, the thought of how my jeans will look when I get up. Eww. I could feel the dust under me. I had to get out.

"Ash, I know you don't want help but we can't stay here tonight. You know that." He turns around his face angry. I pushed him too far.

"What part of 'I don't want help' and 'you can't tell anyone' and 'this is all I can afford' do you not understand J?!"

"I understand every part of that Ashton but have you actually sat on the bed? How can we sleep here? Why can't we get a different premier inn?! There's loads in Central London! You know how me and Kate are slightly OCD how am I supposed to cope with this? Ash can we please leave?" Tears sting my eyes. He was scaring me. I didn't like this. I wanted to take a shower, but that was not possible. The shower tray was a deep shade of green, the mould making it a carpet. A huge spiders web hung in the top left corner and scum iced the shower head. Around the plug hole of the sink was black, the plug nowhere in sight. Lost. Tiny flys, probably mosquito's, flew around the dangling light bulb above. The walls a yellow colour speckled with more mould.

"NO WE CAN'T JAYNE!" Ash screamed at me. The tears fell, harder than ever before. He'd never done this before. It was stress, I keep telling myself that.

"Ash?" He turns round to look at me, his muscles huge, jaw clenched and a red face. His eyes were hard, leaving holes through my body. "Y-your scaring me" I whispered. His eyes soften again and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry" I feel water hit my head. He was crying. "I'm so sorry babe, please forgive me?" His voice cracked at the end. I pull him back into the embrace.

"I don't hate you. You just scared me." I pull his thick curls through my finger tips, the sparkle of my clear nail polish glistening in the faded light. "I love you ash"

"I love you too"

"I'm gonna help you. We're gonna get through this, together" I run my hands through his hair once more. He loved it when I did that.

"Together?" His voice was shaky

"Always" he let out a little giggle, the smile I love re-appearing.

Luke's POV


I pick up Kate's phone. A text from Jayne.

"Hey, wuu2?x"

I replied quickly and then put her phone back down. I walk over to check out the view again. It really was amazing. I take another picture and send it to ash and Jayne. They will love it!

"Baby? You nearly done?"

"Yeah I'm just getting-" she screams sending shivers down my spine and turning my blood cold. I run in to see her stood with sweatpants on, her or my shirt in her hands. It was the window cleaner, cleaning the windows...duh.

Baby, what's wrong?" I pull her into a hug, she hugs me back before pulling away and pointing to the window cleaner.

"He looks just like Zac. Luke?! He looks just like Zac!"

"It can't be! J's ex right?"

"Yeah." She slides my old band tee over her perfect figure. God.

"H-he was caught? Right?"

"Yeah?" My shaky reply leaves her worried. He had to have been caught. All of them did. He can't of got away. No way.


Authors Notes

Someone was bugging me to do this!!! *cough "em" so I don't really do dedications but this chapter is dedicated to my BEST friend Emily (who is Jayne in the book) and has been with me through thick and thin. Please check her out (EmilyBarkham) Enjoy! Ily X

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