Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

I woke up from Jen's loud noises. I looked at her side and she was crying so hard.

"Jennifer, wake up. You're having a bad dream." I went closer to her face. My poor Jenny, what could she be dreaming about ?

She slightly opened her eyes and looked up to me. She was shocked, what is happening?

She sat and studied my face. "H-Harry..."

"Baby, are you alright?" I wiped her tears and she's sweating.

"Oh my god, you're alive!!" She hugged me and cried even more.

I just let her, I hugged her back.

"I-I had a bad dream. You were sick and you didn't tell me about it and then when I woke up, you were already dead, oh god I don't even want to remember that nightmare, I'm serious Harry. I'm scared." 

She's still crying. Burying her face on my chest.

"Oh baby, I'm here. Don't be scared it was just a dream. I love you, and I can never leave you."

Jennifer's POV

"I know, I love you so much more." I tightened my hug.

It's been 5 minutes now. "Uh, Jennifer you can let go now, I wanna eat breakfast."

"No." I said

He just laughed. "You're too cute."

"Let me just...let me just hug you tight. I can't lose you."

Someone started knocking really loud and harhsly opened the door. It's Max.

"Broom! Broom! Here comes Batman!"

He jumped on the bed and went on top of me. "I'm here to save you, aunt Jennifer!" I giggled

Then christina went inside too. "Max! Get back here and finish your breakfast. I'm sorry love birds, did he interupt you guys?"

"Oh no, we were just about to go downstairs." I smiled and looked at Harry. 

"Well, breakfast is ready. We'll wait for you two downstairs." Christina left with Max.

I turned to Harry and he was just smiling.

"What's with the smile honey?"

"Max is just really adorable. Plus I love Batman" he laughed.

I sat on his lap. "Well, you're my Batman." 

He wrapped his arms around me real tight. "When will I get my Robin?" He pouted.

I knew where this was going. He wants a child.

I almost forgot that I'm pregnant. I can't wait for Harry to know. I smiled.

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