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Hello, where the ABSOLUTE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM! Oh you want a story? Well, I, the creator of this alternate world, Teben, will tell you one.

This was it. The funeral of your best, and only friend, most commonly known as the Helltaker. You knew him as (F/N). You aren't anywhere near his popularity, but you were the only one he considered a true friend. You weren't bad looking at all, medium length (h/c) hair, muscular, as I said, not bad looking. The reason no one liked you is quite the tale.

When your parents were young, they tried multiple times for a child. They eventually figured out something was wrong and went to the doctor to figure it out. Your mother had no eggs, and on top of that, your dad was infertile. Eventually, your parents got so desperate for a child, they made a deal with Satan. Satan agreed to give them a child, but said child would be cursed. Cursed with immortality. You might be thinking, how is that a curse? Imagine watching everyone you know and love die around you, and you know you cant do anything about it. This curse caused you to push everyone away and try your hardest to get them to hate you. This worked on everyone except for one person. His name was (/N), more commonly known as the Helltaker. At least, now he is.

A/n: (f/N) is friends name

Now that your only friend was gone, with your parents dead long ago, you had nothing left. You decided that after the funeral, you would figure out how to end it all. That was until you were asked to stay after the funeral. You, and a group of his friends and relatives were all gathered around, as a lawyer read his will. It said, and I quote:

"Fuck you guys I dont like you Y/N gets everything I own. There is a letter in a safety deposit box at The United Bank of M o n e y for his eyes only."

You all then left, most of the others glared daggers into your soul and you glared swords straight through theirs. You then went to the bank and quickly found the box. You opened it and saw 3 things. A awesome looking 5 barreled shot gun, what looked like a recipe for... His famous chocolate pancakes! And of course, the letter. This one had much more in it.

"Hey (Y/N)! I gotta tell you, im not actually dead, I'm currently stuck in an endless void, with some demon named Beelzebub. Dont ask. Anyways, I have a very special request for you. I need You to take care of my girls. You're probably asking, "what girls? Who in the fuck?" And I'm going to stop you there. I went to hell and got a harem of demon girls, and I want you to make sure they are fine now that I'm gone. I'll name them for you and tell you how to deal with them.

First theres Pandemonica, shes the tired demon but once she gets coffee, shit is she sadistic. She has a schedule for her coffee that ive included on one of the notes you got.

Then there is the Cerberus triplets. They may or may not get the cops called on you, and go around pranking the neighbors. Just keep an eye on them.

Next is Modeus, the lustful demon. She likes romantic comedy and said, I quote: "this romance stuff is the kinkiest thing I've ever seen.

Next you got Melina, the sour demon. She likes turn based strategy games, so make sure to play them with her.

You got Zdradra, the bitch demon. She smokes a lot so please, try to keep her from doing it in the house.

Now You get to Azazel the curious angel. She went to hell to look for demons to write a paper on. She's just fucking adorable so be extra nice to her.

You get to Justice, the awesome demon. Shes basically the cool kid in school. Shes also blind, so she wears sunglasses everywhere.

Second to last we got Judgment, the high prosecutor. I dont really know how to describe her... She tried to kill me but she failed miserably, shes pretty harmless as long as you dont piss her off.

And last but not least, please dont hate her because I'm 99% sure shes not the one who cursed you, we got Lucifer, the CEO of hell. I know you hate Satan for cursing you, but listen, Lucy does pretty much nothing but question how I make my pancakes so good, and as I said, I'm 99% sure she didnt curse you, it was probably one of her minions that dont listen to her.

Please take care of my girls, this is my last and only request for you. Ive told them that in a few days, you would be moving in to watch them so they don't do anything stupid. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to get out of here with this Beelzebub. Oh yeah, the shot guns for protection in case Pandemonica tries to break your fingers or some shit. The girls expect chocolate pancakes on a daily basis so practice the recipe, you pick up those kinds of things fast so I believe in you.

P.s. there is also some police officers who come over for pancakes sometimes."

Oh... This is a lot to take in... There we're 2 notes. One was indeed the schedule, and the other was... How to open a portal to where he's stuck at. Oh wait theres a p.p.s. on the back of the letter.

"P.P.S. if I dont get out by next year, please open a portal."

Damn idiot... Well you got pancakes to make and demons to watch so fuck if you dont know what you're doing for a while.

If you dont know its practicing pancakes.

Over 1000 fucking words holy shit.

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