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Marinette pov:
Kagami walked towards me and Alya. She had on her usual outfit minus her jacket, she then had rolled up her sleeves most likely to help with the heat. "Marinette I see you changed your look."

"Oh! Yeah, I finally finished the new piece and decided to wear it to school just because, you know * nervous straightn't laughter*"

" You made that yourself?"

"Um yea I used the new fabrics I got a little while again, it's fine if you don't like it its not like I spent a bunch if time on it it's no big deal heh." I rambled on not being able to stop myself trying to save myslef from the embarrassmentbut not helping at all. " Yea I don't even think it's that good I mean the stitching is all out of wack I could have put more time making sure everything was even and..."

"Marinette! I was going to say you look beautiful, you have some real talent." Kagami said plain and simple.

I could feel a little warmth on my cheeks. She thought I was beautiful, wow that's kinda unexpected, but in a good way. Huh weird. The bell rung signaling it being a few minutes before class starts.

" I am Alya by the way, nice to meet you Kagami!" Alya said warmly

"The feeling is mutual." Kagami answered almost immediately.

Kagami pov:

Oh my god. I just called her beautiful, was that too weird. I mean no right it was perfectly friendly right yea just friends. I feel a little sadened by that for some reason but why though. Besides I like Adrien he us the only one for me. Even though he still is very indecisive which also pains me. Whatever I just need to focus on getting through the day. I entered the first class. There was an open seat in the second row on the left side so I asked the pink haired girl who also sat there if I could sit there. She said No ine else was sitting there so I took a seat. She said her name was Alix, she seemed very confident, I like that in people. I could tell by our conversation she was a good person. Across the row from me and Alix was Marinette which would be nice for the year. This so far is enjoyable. I like being around a bunch of people. From the classroom setting to how our teacher Miss Bustier teaches. The class is filled with positivity. This was starting out to be a good year. After the first half of lessons we went home for our lunch break.

* outside of the school*
" So, Kagami how are you liking punlic school so far?" Marinette asked the question

" So far I do find it to be quite enjoyable to be around all of these people. It is fun."

"Well I am very glad you think so, have a good lunch break see you this afternoon!" Marinette responded and then started off towards her own home.

Wow. Marinette really is a good person. It was so kind of her to see how I was liking school so far. She reminds of another person in that way. Adrien. I feel similar to how I did with him but this is different. Before I knew it she was stuck in my head. All throughout the rest if the day I kept looking back on my different interactions with her. Wow, Marinette is a pretty good friend. I totally get why adrien likes her so much. I know I have said this before but it's needed to be said again. But anyway I could grt used to seeing her everyday and Adrien though I already do anyway so I guess it will just be a little, no a lot more everyday. Also Alya seems nice too and then there is Alix. I have friends now. I.. I like this feeling!

Word count: 736
:Author's Note:
Uwu Kagami has a bunch of friends yay. I know its also a little short, I will try to make them as long as I can
Sorry for any bad grammar I wouldn't mind if you pointed that out to me so I could be more careful in the future. Hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night you are loved, you are important, you are beautiful, and valid, I love you all and uh bai.

— M
June 6, 2020

Oh shoot, I love you!  MarinetteXKagami Where stories live. Discover now