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     Marinette pov:

Classes had finished and I decided that it wobe best to just head home. All if us needed to process what happened. Maybe by tomorrow Kagami would will have cooled down and I can talk to her about what happened. Crap. I am terrified of what Kagami thinks she saw. I know we didn't do anything wrong so why do I still feel guilty. I hated that look on her face. A beautiful girl like her should always have a look of joy on it. I never want to see that look on it again. Wait. What. Erg, what is going on with me. This is turning ridiculous.

I then feel a tug on my arm and get pulled into an alleyway. Huh. Oh. Oh. Kagami was the one who pulled me here. This can't be good.

    "Marinette.... are you trying to steal my boyfriend?" Kagami said with hurt hidden in her voice.

    "Kagami, no you know I would never. Adrien would never."

    "Marinette I cherish our friendship but I will not let you become between Adrien and I. I just cannot."

    "Wow, didn't know I meant that much to you." I whispered to myself sarcastically.

    "If you two aren't cheating then why are you avoiding me?" She took a step closer.

    "You wanna know why. You really want to." I ask unsure myself.


    "Because I like him too you know this. Why do you think I have maybe a little bit been avoiding you?"

    "I see."

      By now we were inches apart. Glaring at eachother for reasons that were not quite clear. All of a sudden Kagami crashed her lips onto mine. (Since I be a youngin I won't... can't go into detail. Sorry not sorry)

    I pulled away. Immediately missing the warmth. "What the frick! Kagami! You have a boyfriend for goodness sake!! You can't do stuff like that!" With tears streaming down my face I ran off and back to the bakery. I bit my lip and dried my tears before quickly entering the bakery saying hi to my parents and racing up to my room before collapsing.

     "Oh Marinette!! Are you ok!?." Tikki asked tiny voice filled with worry.

     "I don't know Tikki, I really don't know?"

3rd pov:
*in the alleyway*

"Argh I am such an idiot! Why the f*ck did I do that! I didn't even know I thought of her like that. Well sh*t!" Kagami sits against the concrete ground. Tears streaming down her face as she attempts to figure out what the hell just happened.

Longg stayed quiet because he was very well aware that anything he said wouldn't be helpful at the time.

Kagami ended up breaking things off with Adrien who in turn was very upset and blamed himself. Which of course wasn't the case. The three of them then decided that on their own they needed to decipher their own feelings before anything else happened.

Word count: 492
A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I just felt the need to update because HOLY SHIT I HAVE LIKE 2.35k READS THANK YOU SO MUCH I APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU ahhhhhh. This is absolutely insane. Also I have decided that for the rest if the story I will probably swear if I feel it necessary. They really are just words so I will not feel guilty for using them. Also, I am really sorry for not updating. I have just like completely lost motivation for writing this. I will finish out the story, but like I will probably do something like not update for a few months and then the next time I update the whole storyline will be out. Sorry not sorry. Anyway love you all, stay safe, have a good day/night, and uhm bai.


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