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Marinette pov:
Am I fine with the fact that I am like the only one who stayed here, and that all of my friends are either in a different city or country..... yes, yes I am. Sure I'm home alone. My parents have went to America for the week to learn about american baked goods, and sell some of our own that came straight outta Paris. Pretty neat huh. I convinced my parents that I could take care of myself, and the bakery for the week. After a month of persuasion, and maybe a few new assets to add to the bakery, they finally said yes. I was happy to have the time to myself to think. Plus there is no way I could have gone to America anyway. I am Ladybug. Paris needs me here.

"At least I am alone, with you of course. I won't have to see anyone I don't want to see. They somehow miraculously all left the city. How great! Even Chloe left for New York. Ahh sweet freedom." I rambled on to Tikki.

"Well I guess that's great, but why would you not want to be around all of your friends?" Tikki asked

"I mean shouldn't you know. You were kinda there with me when it happened."

"Ooooh yea, that makes sense. But still you will have to face them sometime. I know it is difficult but you will just have to get over them."

"Yea, you're right." I concluded sadly

This used to be so simple argh, what happened?


"Marinette calm down we still have time!" Tikki called after me.

"What do you mean the clock says I am late!"

I finished my morning routine, well the rushed version. I headed down stairs amd almost flew out the door.

"Marinette that clock is early, your tablet says you still have half an hour!"

"Oh..... oops."

I calmy walked the rest of the way to school. I walked on the sidewalk seeing the stairs protruding out from the rest of the building. I took a glance to the side and stopped dead in my tracks. There right in front of my eyes. Wow, I knew this was I knew this was the inevitable but it still sends a knife to my heart. I had to get out of there. I turned on my heel and dashed up the stairs heading for the lockers as fast as humanly possible. I put my bag in my locker holding everything back. I got my books and headed for the bathroom stalls. 7 minutes. I have 7minutes to get myself together.


"Yes Tikki?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yea, yea I'll be fine."
In through the nose..... and out through the mouth..... 6minutes.........through the nose.....out the mouth.........5minutes.........ok let's go.

I got to the classroom and saw Alya. I sat down and just put my headown.

"I am gonna take a guess and say you say Adrien and Kagami."

"Yea, but I'll be fine." Came the muffled words from the desk.

"Yea, it is gonna be ok girl."

I saw out of the corner of my eye Alya's face go tense. "Alya be polite she is our friend." Alya then waved. Good. At least Kagami and Adrien will be happy. That is all that matters. I can't get in the way of them. They are my friends. I just have to make it through the day. Yea I can do that."
*end flashback*

If only it stopped there. That would just be like soo much easier. Easy. Pfft , when has my life ever been easy. Ahh if only.

Well, better get to Patrol. Hopefully things will be easier. With Chloe gone, that is. But Cat noir said he might not be able to make it to patrolls. During the next week. I wonder why. I can handle myself. And if help is needed, I know what to do.

Word count: 655

Updates two days in a row wowza. Well, I guess this won't be as drawn out as I originally planned, maybe it will. I will have to find out. I don't know if you noticed but I don't really know what I am doing. So, anyway have a good day/night. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are valid. You are deserving. You are important. I love you all, and uh bai


Oh shoot, I love you!  MarinetteXKagami Where stories live. Discover now