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Kagami pov:
Watching the waves crash onto the rocks just below me. Inhaling the cold breeze that tenses my nose. The cool air whispering in my ear. The taste of lunch still lingering in my mouth. The feel of the rock beneath me supporting my weight.

I was at peace. This is exactly what I needed. Time away from everyone. No more anger, no more confusion, no more tears, just a little window of peace.


"Ta daa!"
"Umm what is this supposed to be?"
"Kagami, it's our one week anniversary!"
"Adrien, it's been a week. Do we really need a one week anniversary?"
"Oh. You don't like it. I'm sorry."
"Oh! No, I love it it's beautiful. Thank you so much. I just don't see the reason for an anniversary when it's only been a week."
"I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me.... you look so cute when you blush." He teased
"Well thank you. This was very thoughtful."
" Now come on the ice cream won't last forever, and then it would get on the picnic blanket."
"Let's get to it then."

We shared our icecream feeding each other with the little spoons Andrei provided. We stared into each other's eyes, wanting the moment to last forever. We needed to savor this moment. In this moment everything was good, everything was calm. It was good. Yea, yup it was good.

It was over as soon as it started. He walked me home, we kissed goodbye. It was everything I had hoped for. Why was it not satisfying.

   "You seem troubled."

    "No I am not. I don't know what you are talking about."

    "Kagami-san you know you can converse your feelings to me."

   "I just thought it would feel more satisfying."

   "Maybe, You are not destined to be with Adrien."

     "I don't believe in destiny, but Adrien was the first to show me kindness, I...love him."

   "You sound very unsure of yourself."

   "No Longg, Adrien is my dream guy. I do love him. I just need to get used to the idea of being with him."

   "You know you are denying your feelings. You are hesitating."

   "I never hesitate."

   "Fine, when you accept your feelings then I will be at your service."

    I gave Longg a meaningful look to hopefully make him aware of my appreciation. I have a free afternoon, I trained this morning, and dinner will be at 6:30 it is 1:30. I decided to go be in company of a friend. Marinette is usually free. I should go reconnect with her. We haven't talked as much with her. I am sure she might want to hear how my relationship is going. Maybe not. I am aware of her crush on him although I remember her mentioning she was over him. I will contact her.
*ring* *ring* *ring*
"Hello, I was wondering if you would like to "hang out" as it is called?"
-Oh! I would love to but I am a bit busy at the moment maybe another time heh heh-
"Oh, ok I will contact you at a later date then. Well, good bye and have a good rest of your day."
-you too, ok bye-
*end call*

"Well that was disappointing." I stated to my kwami.

"Yes it seems so doesn't it."
"What do you plan to do now with your free time Kagami-san."
"I might as well take a nap. I am pretty tired and don't have anything better to do."
"Very well."

*end flashback*

I always knew I was never good at picking up signals. I do blame my mother for that. Speaking of my mother.

Mother comes Marching downthe stairs that lead to the shore. Off to the side I see the vegetation growing outof control out of the wooden staircase. Well I guess I have to continue training. Very well.

Word count: 656

I will keep this short. OMG! THANK YOU ALL FOR 610 READS. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY STORY. I AM SO HAPPY. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It means so much that people want to read this. Also I might change the name. Comment what you think. Should I or should I not. If so what. As always stay safe. Have a good day/night. You are loved, you are important, you are valid, you are beautiful, I love you all, and uhh bai.


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