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"so did you like d&d?" lucas asked as we stood outside mike's house.

I nod.

"you should play with us again sometime!" he says with a smile.

"not a chance" I say with a smug smile.

he frowns and then I laugh.

"i'm kidding, it was pretty fun stalker"

"yeah it was"

we stand there in awkward silence for a while.

"I should-" I say motioning that I need to get home.

"yeah me too-"

I head home realizing how late it is and I panic running home.



I shrug and go into my room. "I guess everyone's gone"

then I hear a knock on my window and I look to see jane.

"jane! what are you doing here?" I open my window.

she looks down at her feet shyly which seems odd to me because she's always so confident.

"max, I-  I'm sorry about earlier, I'm always super confusing and you don't deserve that"

"we need to stop apologizing to each other" I smirk shaking my head. "just c'mon"

she climbs through my window as I help her into my room.


"I guess today was the day we both saw each others houses, huh?" I giggle looking around her room.

she shrugs and sits on her bed.

"you aren't gonna get in trouble with me being here are you?"

"nah no one is home"

I sit on her bed right next to her.

"can I ask you something?" max asks looking at me.


"do you actually have feelings for me?"

I look at her trying to process her question and then move my hand over to hers lacing my fingers with hers. "yes"

she's stares at me intensely as if she's trying to see if I'm lying.

she leans in towards me and the next thing I know is that we're both kissing each other.

I never knew I could feel this much with someone.

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