Chapter 25: Quality Time, Not Quantity

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In the next class I try to get to El – but am swamped by more people pretending to have been concerned as to my well-being, but probably were just desperate for some hot gossip as to where I'd been. As powerful as I am, I can't ward them all off, and in the end am forced to abandon my quest to get to El.

This happens in nearly all the classes I share with her.

At lunch, El doesn't even show up at our usual table. The cheerleaders and footballers are sitting separately. I roll my eyes and suggest they sit together. They stare at me like I'm crazy, but it doesn't take long for us to merge tables. Trent is missing at the table. Probably rebounding inside some chick in our school.

"I wonder where Brian is," Allen mutters. But he's the only one to even so much as mention my male form. In the middle of lunch, I make up an excuse to leave in search of my girlfriend.

"I have to go to the toilet," I say.

"I'll come with you," Em says.

"Me too!" Pris says. She's probably tired of making out with Allen while stroking Richard below the table.

"It's fine. I can go alone," I say.

"But you can't go to the toilet alone," they say, looking at me with that horrified look. I was breaking a girl rule. I never noticed how stupid it was until I'd been turned male and gotten accustomed to visiting the toilet by myself. It was way more convenient.

So they follow after me into the toilet. I sigh inwardly. Then while they're in the cubicles – I do my vanishing act.

As I walk through the hallways, people watch me and some even come up to me. But I tell them I'm busy. Then I make as many turns as I can to lose them.

I make my way to the science lab corridor, having to hide a few times in the process, until I see El.

Finally, I get my lover all to myself. She doesn't see me coming until I'm right beside her. I grasp her upper arm, and she squeaks in surprise as I pull her to me and kiss her. It feels different, yet completely familiar. The taste of her mouth, the scent of her hair, the feel of her softness. Granted, I'm a lot softer now, too, but somehow El has a sort of softness and purity to her that I just can't top.

Her hands wind around my back, and when we finally part, I lean against her forehead, refusing to let her go.

"Hey, you," I say.

"Hey, you," she greets back, giggling a little at the end. "I thought you'd forgotten all about me."

"Never," I say, nipping her lips. "I just thought you might not want me revealing to everyone in school that you're bi. And so am I."

"I don't mind. Though it would be bad if it got back to my parents."

"Mmm," I agree, and kiss her again. I guess loving El is most definitely not a guy thing. She's made for me.

El kisses me back just as eagerly, and I feel light-headed as I'm flooded with pheromones. My chest presses against hers, our breasts squishing against each other. Our hardened nipples rub together. My lower body starts to get wet, and I know that if I were male, I would have started to get hard just from this kiss.

We're busy enjoying our kiss when we hear a noise further up the hall. We spring apart and cautiously look out for whoever it is there. It's Em and Pris, and I wonder how the hell they managed to find me. They don't seem to have noticed our kiss, though.

"There you are," Em says. "We were looking all over for you."

"I was busy," I say curtly, upset at having been interrupted. I'm glad I wore smudge-proof lipstick today.

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