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Third POV

Timestamp: 5:30 AM

Izuku and Katsuki were currently minutes away from an airplane hangar.

"We have arrived." The driver spoke earnestly.

When they got out of the car they were greeted by a black Bombardier Global 6000 (Mach 0.89) jet with the Letter B on the Tail.

"What does the B stand for?" Deku questioned.

Bakugo looked at him with a brow raised and a smirk on his face.

Deku's eyes widened, rolling his yes playfully.

"Is there anything you don't own?"

Bakugo shrugged, snickering a bit.

Pulling the greenette into a hug, Bakugo kissed him.

"Be safe and don't forget to call me when you land."

Deku nodded " I will, kacchan."

Soon Deku boarded the plane, waving bye to him.

Only thing was there was a bodyguard accompanying him.

It was more of a last minute type of thing.

The plane took off, as Bakugo was now in the car heading back to work.

At work~

As expected, he was greeted with Kirishima who had his itinerary.

"Welcome sir, as usual you have some documents, 2 meetings and Todoroki has found the location of ****** so he'll be coming around 3 PM."

Bakugo nodded "Alright."

He then sat down in his office opening the first email in his inbox.

Subject: unknown

'Hello, Katsuki Bakugo. Head of the hero clan. Head of the largest mafia worldwide. I'm not going to chat with you for long considering we are both very busy people and have things to do, I'll get you for what you did to me or better yet to my clan a year ago, I just thought I should make it known.'

Bakugo furrowed his brows.

He didn't like the sound of this.

But more importantly who exactly had he wronged last year? after all there definitely more than one person.

Who now put him at a disadvantage.

He had to think, come up with an idea to find out who.

And luckily he had the right person and it was just by luck that they were coming at 3.

With Deku~

Currently on a flight.

30,000 feet off the ground heading to japan.

He was currently on his MacBook, reading the notes and going over the slides he made for work.

"Sir your food." The bodyguard spoke placing a tray in front of Deku.

Deku looked up. "Oh! Why thank you."

He gave off a smile.

He then tilted his head slightly.

"I'm sorry but I never got your name..?"

"Oh my name is Shoji, Mezo Shoji." Shoji responded.

"Well it's nice to meet you." Deku spoke, holding out his hand.

Shoji nodded "likewise."

Has he took Deku's hand and shook it back.

Soon a conversation unfolded with Deku asking how shoji began to work for Bakugo and a but more, without pressing on to harshly.

Of course shoji answered leaving out as many points of the mafia as possible not just because Bakugo had said so, or he might've been killed on the spot if word got out but because Deku seemed like a genuine person who just wanted to have a lighthearted chat.
It possibly been an hour or so, shoji had already left to to sit in the front seats while Deku was currently laying down and getting comfortable on the couch.

He yawned.

Closing and/ or shutting his devices he fell asleep.

With hopefully nothing ensuing while out cold.

Back with Bakugo~

More time had passed, as the thought of a certain greenette crossed his mind.

"Knowing him he's probably taking a nap..." Bakugo chuckled.

Ever since he could remember, Deku took usual naps, and if he didn't have work, naps was always his answer.

But it was also a good thing.

Bakugo never actually had to worry about much.

If Deku didn't usually respond in the afternoon and he was aware that he had no work it's was most likely because he was sleeping.


A light flash on his office phone.

"Yes?" Bakugo spoke.

"Sir, Todoroki is here, he's heading up now." Kirishima voice rang.

"Alright." Bakugo responded, cutting the call.

And soon enough the split haired man entered the private office.



Todoroki placed down a a sheet of paper holding all known information fo the man they were researching.

"Thanks to Mineta going undercover we've gained information that he's being hiding low for a plan, apparently he's been trying to find a way to get back at you." Todoroki explained.

Minoru Mineta was a purple headed guy, with black eyes, he had a tendency for being pervert, but he had a short stature and a pretty cunning stature which made him ultimately perfect for stealth missions.

"And according to Mineta, he sent some sort of email, although I'm not-" Todoroki added, before he was cut off by Bakugo who had pulled up the email form before.

"An email like this...?"

Todoroki read it over once then twice.

Bakugo sighed in annoyance " guess I found my mystery threatener."

"Where is he residing?" Bakugo inquired.

Although he didn't like the answer that came from Todoroki's mouth.

"He's currently residing in  Osaka, Japan."

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