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Third POV

Timestamp: 5:25 AM

There Izuku sat on the ground, quietly.

His sense of time completely gone.

But judging for how long he'd been there it was safe that it was most likely early in the morning.

"Oh, Katsuki..."

He missed the blond as much as he didn't want to admit it, even though he was still mad.

Some part hated him for not listening to Katsuki, for going off to Monoma but at the same time some part was glad that he knew what the secret was.

"Maybe I would've been better living with such a lie." Izuku muttered to himself.

He lived a beautiful lie, protect by words and looks, but he was still bound to find out about the horrible truth.

Suddenly noises appears of a a door opening as a figure walked by.

It was Monoma.

"Rise and shine, glad to see you're awake at 5 am though I do suppose it's only natural considering your job predicament." He laughed, not feeling an ounce of sorrow.

Izuku just stared at him, his eyes blank yet still held emotion.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not the one that lied to you... anyways we need to go I have a video call to make and you're the headliner for it." Monoma dryly pleaded.

He was enjoying himself too much.

"I'm not going anywhere." Deku frowned, turning his head suddenly, looking off to the side.

He then felt his hair getting yanked as chains rattled open.

"Don't provoke me, you're special so I don't want to hurt you, now let's go." Monoma grunted into his ear.

"So what do you have for us, Hatsume?" Katsuki requested, eyeing the pink haired woman that was Iida's proud significant other.

He looked more serious than he ever did.

Ever since he arrived home last night he hadn't slept a wink.

Despite the concerns of best friends. friends and members of the mafia he disregarded them.

He wasn't gonna eat.
He wasn't gonna work.
He wasn't gonna sleep.

Not until Iduku was back safe into view.

So as long as that was still an obstacle everyone could kiss their usually calm and collected boss goodbye.

All on the typical floor of the boss could only watch from afar.

"Well sir, nothing really other than that text message, I had Sero and Iida look around yet they found his phone in your office which is completely useless since the LTE was shut off." Hatsume explained. "And since he didn't take his car with him we can't track him by that either."

Katsuki groaned, rubbing his temples in annoyance.

"Damnit, is there anyway we can find Monoma?"

At that very moment everyone's attention was alerted by two people walking in.

It was Minoru Mineta and Tsuyu Asui.

"Sir, you might wanna take a look at this video!" Asui called out, gathering even more attention from the high boss.

Suddenly a big monitor was brought down, for full view of everyone.

She connected the file to it, and pressed the play button.

At first it was pitch black but suddenly they were taken into view of a gray room, with the common larger fluorescent lighting.

In the center is what ticked Katsuki off.

There sitting in a chair was Monoma as someone was sitting on the floor, their eyes averted away from the camera.

They heard the blond in the video chuckle ever so carefree.

"This is nice, wouldn't you say, My Love?"

As he then looked to Izuku whose lip was quivering.

He looked like he was about to cry.

"Y'know Katsuki Bakugo, I didn't think it would be this easy- I mean *HAHAHA* I took the one thing you could've truly cared about."

Monoma looked so smug, and Katsuki hated that, like there was a burning pit in his stomach, and killing Monoma would be the only way to extinguish it.

He wanted to punch the living daylights out of the bastard.

But at this point all he could do was watch the next scenes unfold.

He watched as Monoma lifted up Izuku's face and went closer to the point where they kissed.

The part that got Katsuki was that Izuku didn't attempt to fight him off.

"Bakugo, you really do have a piece of work here, one that wasn't very easy to control, so you must be wondering how." Monoma stated, gently patting Izuku's hair.

He then point to what looked like a black collar around the boy's neck.

"It's a shock collar, I can up the voltage to the point where it can be used to kill, but seeing as that I actually like him I might just shock him back into line, like so-"

As they heard a loud beep and then a buzzing sound.

Katsuki's stomach churned with a nausea feeling, along with some people who had to turn away, listening to Izuku scream in pain.


His eyes were filled to tears to the point where they actually spilled.

They watched as Monoma get up, as he help up his prisoner by the hair, watching the boy squirm in absolute misery.

His cheeks were red, as tears rolled down his face and on his neck..? A large, painful looking purplish bruise that made a ring around him.

"Do you have anything to say before this call is cut...?" Monoma questioned looking at Izuku as if he were some kind of helpless dog.

"Fuck  y-you, I've only submit to o-one and only one person, and it's definitely not you!" Izuku grunted, choking on his influx of saliva.

They watched as Monoma hoisted a lazy eyed Izuku over his shoulder like he was a bag of laundry.

"That'll change very soon, I'll pound that into you, physically, mentally and emotionally, go ahead and turn off the camera, we'll be in my room." Monoma had spoke to the other person in the room besides Izuku, whose body twitched in agony.

"Oh and one last thing, by the time you manage to find out where I am, your little lover will be screaming out my name in pleasure, not yours."

Then it was over. Just like that.

They all turned to Katsuki who was more than just furious.

His entire aura just screamed an entity so vile and deplorable.

So evil.

"Did you find anything useful or are you trying to waste my time?" Katsuki finally spoke, his tone low and guttural.

He turned, his bangs making an ominous shadow, as it looked like his eyes were almost glowing.

If he didn't scare everyone before, then now he did.

"N-no sir, the time stamp of that video was taken 30 minutes ago. W-we only just received it 10 minutes ago and because of that I think I might have an idea as to where we can find him." Mineta shivered in fear, slowly backing away from his boss.

He was terrified of saying the wrong thing.

Katsuki was more than just ready to hear their plan and take out anyone else who was involved with Izuku's kidnapping and torture.

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