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Third POV
Timestamp: 8:00 AM

It had only been 5 minutes before they'd split up, they'd killed 12 people and they were beginning to go into high alert.

"Boss, I think the cell Midoriya was held in should be close, since his phone and other belongings are here."Uraraka radioed in, the sound of her breathing echoing against the walls she was surrounded by.

"Not quite, all the lower cells have been checked *BANG* all the cells on the lower floors have been empty." Kirishima responded as he had shot another person.

Katsuki inwardly cussed, feeling his stress levels increase by each passing moment, "Keep searching!" He ordered.

The radio was cut as he and Kirishima continued forward, they headed up the stairs, as they were greeted by someone.

It was TetsuTetsu.

Kirishima recognized him very well considering they'd met at an international meeting a while back.

Quickly the redhead pinned the silver-haired doppelgänger to the ground, not leaving him a chance to pull out his gun.

As Katsuki to control and aimed his silver, fully- loaded pistol at the man's forehead

"Where is he?" Katsuki interrogated, his sharp gaze almost as intimidating as the gun.

"I don't know who the hell you're talking about." he answered, as his teeth clenched tightly as Kirishima kneed his ribs.

"Fine, I'll be specific- where the HELL is your boss and the boy he kidnapped?" Kidnapped repeated, removing the safety of the gun.

They watched a slight facial change in the Man, as his eyes wavered to the ceiling, while an odd

"There's no way I'd tell you where they area, besides we've already gone into high alert so the boss might already to his helipad headed to Japan."

Katsuki's eyes widened.

"Fuck that, Kirishima do it now!" The blond grunted, his mood fluctuating between pissed and just annoyed.

Instantly within a blink of an eye, Kirishima knocked him out.

They continued heading up, as Bakugo radioed those outside.

"Shoji, take Ashido and Hagakure up to the roof and watch for anyone that comes!"

As he then rushed up the next flight, only getting closer to the final floor.

Izuku looked up at the ribbons that kept his hands tied to the headboard.

"If I could just-" He whispered under his breath, his fingers fiddling with the overhead bindings to the headboard.

Just as he was close to untying the knot he heard loud beeping, as Monoma barged into the room.

The man seemed panicked, as he placed on different clothes for Ixuku.

They looked like regular sweats but seemed a bit too puffy, later to find out it was to hide Izuku's figure.

A hoodie to hide the hair and whatnot.

"Seems like there's been a change of plans, Bakugo has arrived so it's time to make our departure." Monoma muttered as he released the restraints on Izuku.

"It's now or never..." Izuku whispered to himself, staring at Monoma's hands that were nearly done undoing his bindings.

The moment his legs were free he kicked Monoma in lower regions, watching the blonde go down in pain.

He quickly untied his hands, slapping the man on the ground to just incapacitate him for a bit.

He left the room full speed, turning and twisting hopefully trying to find the elevator or stairs, just something to get him closer to the exit.

He knew that by any chance if Katsuki was able to find out where he was located then he must have planned for the exits too and stationed some people there.

As he began to slow down, panting a bit as his legs began to hurt.

There were just so many halls and too many places.

"Cmon, where are you, Katsuki..?"
Katsuki and Kirishima were still looking at the second to the top floor.

"Boss! Todoroki radioed in, apparently with a little convincing he found out that Midoriya is being held at the top in a bedroom to the far right, and the stairs to the roof and are close by to it!" Sero's voice rang from the radio.

"Let's move then!" As they headed to the nearby staircase, Increasing their speed, Kirishima and Katsuki bolted to the top of the the base.

On the fourth to the fifth staircase, they heard a loud bang.

Almost like a gunshot.

Katsuki paused in his tracks, while Kirishima looked at him with determined eyes.  The blond didn't even need to show it, but Kirishima knew what was going on through his mind.

"Cmon, I thought you said no one gets left behind!"

He held his hand for Katsuki to grab, staring intently at him.

"Midoriya is waiting after all..."

Katsuki bobbed his head, grabbing the hand that tugged him forward, moving to the final floor.

"Please hold on..!"

Izuku's complexion held a scared expression as a bullet slightly grazed his cheek, hitting the wall just a few inches in front of him.

The blond held onto his cheek as a black Glock was held in his hand.

"Get back here, right now!" Monoma angrily barked out, his face lightly throbbing from Izuku's slap.

At this point in time Monoma was getting desperate, not only did he not know how close Katsuki was getting but Izuku had ended up running farther away from the stairs leading to the roof/helipad.

Izuku shook his head frantically as he ran down the corner.

"Fine, if that's how you wanna play then let's play, you stupid bitch!" Monoma muttered under his breath, gliding himself over so he'd turn the corner as well.

There he spotted Izuku, who'd unfortunately reached a dead end.

He held up the gun and fired again.

One bullet fired into Izuku's arm.

A loud yelp of pain was heard, as a thud came afterward.

He was bleeding and badly at that too considering how clean of a shot it was for a moving target.

Izuku tried to apply pressure to limit the amount of blood that was seeping out, as his body seemed to go numb with shock.

Monoma lifted the boy up and acted as a crutch so that way they could quickly get out.

Izuku got bumped and banged around as he eventually noticed a sign with 4 glowing letters.


"No...No!"Izuku yelled in his head, they already made it to the roof.

The door was opened forcibly, as the cold wind of the early morning blew hard, making any exposed skin and his new wound unnervingly cold.

He tried his best to slow Monoma down by tugging back but it didn't seem like it was working.

Suddenly people emerged from the shadows of the nearby helicopter, one being who Izuku had recognized.


Suddenly they heard to door bang open again, with Monoma and him turning around to face them.


Izuku could feel himself subconsciously smile as he saw who he was facing.


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