Night (Hyde&Lucy) (Musical)

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*Hyde gets himself in more trouble than he can handle when Lucy comes along and shows him kindness.
No, this isn't a ship, cause romanticizing controlling relationships aren't cool.
(Third POV)

The heavy rain poured down the streets of London. As Lucy Harris tried to find her way back to the Spider's Web she held her arm tight, because of her newest bruise.

The attacker had brutal than usual. He pushed her down the short flight of stairs, then threw a book at her head. She was sure he would knock her out, so without receiving payment for her services, bailed out and ran away.

What a bitch! Lucy thought. She should go see a doctor for these wounds, maybe like...Henry Jekyll.

How she adored that man. So lovely, and kind. Had a heart full of compassion. He wouldn't mind if she stopped by for visit in morning right? She loved seeing his enticing hazel eyes and his bright smile. She giggled in bliss at the image and the feeling of them hugging each other.

Sure, he was a well-respected
gentlemen, and him being with a prostitute sounded outlandish, but it'd be worth just to spend the rest of her life with someone so sweet. She would gladly give away her life as an escort to be with the man of her dreams.

As she turned down the street for the Spider's Web, she heard a scream that sounded familiar.


She knew that voice, it was the voice of Mr.Edward Hyde. The dramatic and cruel man whore. She wondered what he was screaming about now. She had to walk down the street where it was coming from. So she pulled her hood over her head and continued walking down the street while looking at the ground.

As she walked further the voices got clearer and clearer.

"STOP! STOP! NO!" Hyde yelled.
"Shut up, slut!" The presume attacker replied attempting to shush him.

She walked past the alley way where she could faintly make out Hyde's muffled screams. Followed by loud slap. She shook her head and continued down the path.

She wondered if he saw her. She wondered if he was in actual danger. No! She mustn't have sympathy for someone so heartless! She just couldn't. But at the same time part of her wanted to make sure he wasn't dead. Weather he was a huge asshole or not, he still didn't deserve to lay dead in street.

She stopped in her tracks and looked up at London's street again. The rain seemed to only pour harder. She knew she shouldn't have compassion for someone like he, but he was just so damn young. She questioned what his attacker was doing to him at the moment. Pounding his guts in? Stabbing him? Kidnapping him? The options were just so endless! She had practically seen it all herself. If she could handle it, so could he!

Suddenly there was loud bloodcurdling scream coming from the same alley way. It wasn't in joy or pleasure, but instead fear and pain. She had never even heard such a scream come from a human's pipes before. Maybe...she should turn back and just see if something's wrong. If Hyde was currently being murdered, it be good to catch the attacker in the act so others don't share the same fate.

She turned around and carefully walked back down the street. When she turned the corner to where the alley way, she saw a big man walking from the alley way. He didn't seem to notice her and kept going. Once she knew he was gone, she checked the alley way.

There was Hyde. Laying face down on concrete. His clothes seemed to be ripped in certain places and were all stained. She hesitatingly reach out and jerked his shoulder. Nothing. No response. She got down on her knees and leaned in. Luckily he still seemed to be breathing. So she turned him on his back, he slumped back.

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