Chapter 13

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Then I took a call to Mark because i couldn't do everything on my own. So dialed his number and my hand is shaking too. My hands are covered with blood after trying to stop the blood flow on Jimin's neck.

"Hey Sheshta , I'm almost there , tell me exactly where you are so i can pick you up.... " he said before i could speak.

"Mark! Mark please hurry ...." I said tears burst out f my eyes.

"What's wrong are you hurt?" He asked worried.

"Blood... it's not stopping...." i said , no sense at all.

"Blood? Sheshta , are you okay ? Are you hurt?" He screamed over the phone.

"No it's not me... its...its Jimin , he is hurt ... very bad... Please hurry, I'm alone with him . Street next to the bar...." i said .


Sheshta started crying over the phone so suddenly made me worried. I thought she was in trouble.

"Blood .... it's not stopping..." she said.

I stopped the vehicle then and there. I guess my heart stopped beating for a second.  I got scared that sheshta got hurt and now she is bleeding. I wanted to run to her.

Then she suddenly said that Jimin, her partner, was hurt and not her.  I breathed heavily. I can't take any chances because I'm trying my best to protect Sheshta . I drove even faster to help Mr Park. He is one of my close friends I met because he is Sheshta's partner. And we became good friends.


I hung up the phone  and went back to Jimin. He was worse than earlier..

"Jimin are you awake?" I asked. But there was no reply.

His eyes are closed. I placed my finger near his nose to check whether he was breathing.  "Holy shit!! He is not breathing".

Then suddenly the ambulance arrived and the medics came in running quickly with emergency equipment and a stretcher. The medics lifted Jimin into the stretcher and took him to the ambulance.

"Miss , Are you coming with us?" The medics asked me.

"Oh! No you all go , i'll come with my friend. He is coming here now... I'll be right behind you, ''I said.

And the ambulance  turned on its siren and drove off , in seconds they were out of my sight. It was fast. I came out from the narrow street , then I noticed Mark's SUV  parked right in front of me. He pulled the window down .

"Hop in Sheshta we have to go to the hospital now..." he said and opened the door.

I got in the vehicle , I was drenched in Jimin's blood , but I didn't care because I was in more shock than that. Mark immediately grabbed my hands  with his huge hands and pulled them towards his chest.
I gripped it tight but it was not painful though.

"Sheshta i was so worried when you called me and started crying... you have no idea how i felt , i thought you were hurt very badly... I thought I'd lost you, Sheshta..." he said, still holding onto my hands even though it was covered with blood.

"I'm fine Mark, nothing will happen to me , when you are there ,my best friend to protect me..." i said.

He let go off my hand. And started the vehicle. We drove to the hospital. When we went in and asked the front desk about Jimin , they said he was taken to the Operation theater just now. And they showed us the way to the room. But we had to wait outside because no one was allowed to go in.

I was no nerves and worried about Jimin's situation because the last time I checked it was horrible. I cupped my face with my hands and closed my eyes leaning on my knees. Then suddenly,

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