Chapter 1

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Third Person:

It was a normal day in Swellview, it was also Sunday which meant that Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry didn't have work. They were all three at Henry's house watching a movie.

Jasper: Don't you think this movie is good?

Charlotte: Sure, I've never seen it before so i can't say much.

Henry: What she said.

The three continues watching the movie until Jasper says something out of the blue.

Jasper: Can we play truth or dare? he says pausing the movie.

Henry: I thought you wanted to watch this movie?

Jasper: Yea but i just feel like were not having fun.

Charlotte: Im good with which ever, watching the movie or playing truth or dare.

Jasper: Henry is it ok with you to play Truth or Dare?

Henry: Fine with me.

They three go back and forth asking question after question, or dare after dare.

Jasper: Alright, Henry truth or dare? he said laughing, the other two were also laughing.

Henry: Dare.

Charlotte: ooo good luck with that.

Jasper: Alright. I dare you to kiss Charlotte.

Henry widened his eyes.

Henry: What? No way.

Charlotte: Friends don't kiss friends. if she was being honest saying that kind of hurt her when it came to Henry, and she didn't know why.

Henry was also a little hurt by that comment, and he didn't realize why.

Jasper: You have to. Its a dare!

Henry and Charlotte rolled their eyes and look at each other.

Jasper: Do it! Do it!

Henry and Charlotte just kept looking at each other, slowly getting closer, heartbeats racing more and more as they got closer. Finally the two friends lips touched. If they were being honest they liked the feeling of each other on their lips. 

Charlotte was just thinking about why she liked this, shouldn't she get wireded out by having to kidd your best friend. Did she have feelings for Henry?!

Henry was also thinking the same thing and wondering if he had a crush on Charlotte.

The two quickly pulled away and didn't say anything.

Jasper: See, that wasn't so bad. Im full on sure that Chenry can happen now. he says smirking.

Henry and Charlotte rolled their eyes and couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

Charlotte: Can we move on now?

Jasper: Yea sure. 

They three continued a little more until it was Jaspers turn again.

Jasper: Ok Charlotte truth or dare.

Charlotte: Im going to take it safe and pick Truth.

Jasper: Ok. he thought for a second. I want you to tell Henry how you feel about him. Because anyone who saw that kiss would think the two of you are more than friends.

Charlotte: Jasper- he cut her off.

Jasper: Oh would you look at the time, gotta go. You two keep playing, and make sure she does her truth Henry. and he left.

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