Chapter 3

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Third Person:

It had been a few hours since Henry was attacked, he was starting to heal due to his powers and his wounds didn't hurt as much. Henry's parents and piper still weren't home.  At this point everyone knew Henry and Charlotte were dating and everyone was very happy that Chenry finally happened. 

Henry & Charlotte were alone in the Man Cave.

Charlotte: How are you feeling?

Henry: Fine. Just like the last few times you've asked me.

Charlotte: Sorry I'm asking a lot, I'm just worried about you.

Henry: Its ok. He gives Charlotte a soft kiss on her forehead. Im ok now.

Charlotte: Yea but those guys, those criminals are still on the loose.

Henry: What criminals?

Charlotte was taken aback by that comment, then quickly realized that Henry wasn't told that Drex, Dr. Minyak, and Rick Twittler were on the loose.

Charlotte: Right..

Henry: What? starting to get worried.

Before Charlotte could say Ray and Schwoz walked back into the room.

Ray: Aww look at those two love birds.

Schwoz: About time. Ha.

Henry gave a small smile to everyone.

Henry: So, what criminals are on the loose. He says to Charlotte.

Charlotte: Um.. Drex, Dr. Minyak, and Rick Twittler got out of jail.

Henry: WHAT?!? A-are those the guys that attacked me? he said eyeing everyone.

Ray: We think so. Just calm down kid.

Henry: Calm Down?!? I was just nearly killed by 3 of our most dangerous villains and you want me to calm down? He stands up.

Charlotte: Henry. Were gonna get them, i promise.

Henry: I know.. i know that we'll get them. I- he pauses. Im just scared. I don't want to get attacked again.

Ray: We won't let that happen Henry.

Schwoz: Henry, i think you should get some rest. You look tired.

Henry: OK. I will. 

Ray: Wait Henry, what were you doing before those guys attacked?

Henry: Um.. I- i was looking for my phone. I don't know where it is and before i found it they came.

Ray: Ok. Do you want to lay down in the guest room.

Henry: No, i should go home because I'm not sure when my parents will get home and i don't want them to worry if they come home to me not there.

Ray: Ok. Just be safe, call me if you need anything.

Henry: Thanks Ray.

Charlotte: Ill walk with you, i want to study later.

Henry: Ok.

The two walked into the elevator together, Henry rapped his arm around Charlotte. The two got to Charlottes House.

Charlotte: Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home? Or help you look for your phone?

Henry: No I'm ok, you wanted to study, and i don't want to hold you from doing that.

Charlotte: Ok. But if you need anything call me from your family home phone if you don't find yours.

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