Chapter 2

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A/N: Most of this chapter takes place during chapter 1, i will make sure i say when it does not, if that is even in this chapter. :)

Third Person:

It was a quite night in swellview, nothing going on. In swellview prison Drex, Dr. Minyak, and Rick Twittler were trying to escape.

A/N: In this story Rick Twittler has his memory, so he knows who Captain Man & Kid Danger are.

Drex: Come on we have to get out.

Dr. Minyak: Well whats your idea?

Drex: I don't know, all i know is that when we get out, we all need to go after Kid Danger. He is the reason why were in here.

Rick Twittler: Yea he is. So what are going to do to get out?

Time goes by, as the villains think. Dr. Minyak finally comes up with a plan, and sadly the plan works. The three villains had escaped and are ready for their revenge on Kid Danger. 

Dr. Minyak: Ok so what are we going to do to get revenge?

Drex: I don't know, we can't go after him on a mission, if only we knew who he was.

Rick Twittler: I know who he is.

Drex: What?

Dr. Minyak: You know who Kid Danger is??

Rick Twittler: Yes, his name is Henry Hart.

Drex: Alright, now we need to get him. Bring him here to this warehouse.

Dr. Minyak: The three of us can't go get him.

Rick: Why??

Minyak: He will recognize us if he's kid danger.

Drex: Right. Ok then we'll send our goons to his house. But make sure you tell them to wait outside, hidden, until they see the kid alone.

Minyak: Got it.

Back to Normal time

Henry's POV:

I just got back home, when i realized i didn't have my phone. I went upstairs and looked in my room but it wasn't there.

Henry: Ughh where is my phone?!?

I continued looking until i heard the door bell ring. Who would be coming over here at this time of night?

Henry: Coming. I shouted

I opened the door, and a big man dressed in all black stood in front of me. I started feeling uneasy.

Henry: Um. is there something i could do for you?

Guy: Are you Henry Hart?

Henry: Yea... why?

Just than i hear my back door open, two more men dressed in all black walk in. Now i know something is wrong. Before i could turn around to punch the first guy, he pushed me back causing me to fall.

Guy: Get him!

The two guys quickly came to me, and picked me up in a strong hold, i couldn't get loose.

Henry: What do you want! I screamed.

Guy: Revenge.

The guy standing in front of my started kicking and punching me. I couldn't fight back. I started feeling weak, and the two men holding me saw that. They threw me to the ground and i groaned in pain. I was able to hit the 'emergency button' on my wiz watch so hopefully Ray could help me. The guys just continued hitting me.

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