Chapter 8

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Third Person:

It had been about an hour and still no one has left Henry's side. Henry still hasn't woken up and that made the others a little more worried. Henry's breathing has gone back to his normal breathing pattern which is a good sign. Ray was blaming himself, he was thinking that Henry had nearly just died. Another hour had passed and still Henry hasn't woken up. It was getting late, and as much as they didn't want to leave Henry's side, Henry's parents went to bed. Piper, Jasper, Charlotte and Ray stayed with Henry until he finally started waking up.

Charlotte: Hey guys he's waking up. She whispered.

Everyone walked around and stood beside Henry. Henry's eyes slowly started to open and once he opened his eyes he gave a soft smile as he realized who was standing next to him.

Ray: Hey kid, how are you feeling?

Henry: I-im sore..

Jasper: That schwoz guy said you'd be sore for a while.

Henry nodded. He started to look everyone until he spotted Piper, she was silently crying.

Henry: Pipes? Hey, you ok?

Piper shook her head no and started crying more.

Henry: Come here. He pulled her into a hug.

Ray: Hey um.. we'll give you two a moment. Come on guys.

Jasper, Ray and Charlotte left Henry's room. Leaving Piper and Henry, still hugging.

Piper: Are you ok?

Henry: I am now.

Piper: Why didn't you tell me? She looked up at her older brother.

Henry: Told you what?

Piper: That you were Kid Danger.

Henry: Pipes, i wanted to. But i couldn't. I couldn't even tell Jasper.

Piper: But Charlotte knew?

Henry: Yea, Thats because she figured it out by herself.

There was silence for about a minute, until Piper brought herself to speak again.

Piper: I thought you were gonna die. 

Henry: I know, but look I'm right here. I didn't die, everything is ok. He kissed her forehead.

Piper: Are you sure your ok?

Henry: Yes, i will get better over time. Now you look tired, you should go to bed.

Piper: But-

Henry: Pipes, im ok. Go to bed.

Piper gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and left the room to go to sleep. Ray walked into the room and sat down beside Henry.

Henry: Hey.

Ray: Im sorry. I shouldn't have left Drex for you to fight. I should have been able to help you sooner. I-im just so sorry. He put his head in his hands.

Henry: Ray... please don't blame this on yourself.

Ray: But- I... he paused. I can't stand seeing you get hurt like that. You nearly died. There was a slight silence. I just- Henry I see you like a son of my own. Before you came down the elevator for the first time i was alone. Just fighting crime by myself. And you changed all of that for the better.

Henry couldn't help but smile at Ray's comment. He always knew Ray thought of him that way but Ray never admitted to it. Henry stuck out his arms meaning he wanted Ray to give him a hug. After the two hugged, Ray made sure Henry was ok for tonight and then he left. Jasper had fallen asleep on the Hart's couch so Charlotte walked up to Henry's room. 

Charlotte: Hey.

Henry: Oh i didn't realize you were still awake or even here.

Charlotte: Yea Ray left and Jasper fell asleep on your couch.

Henry; He chuckled a little. Of course he did.

Henry scooted a little to the side of his bed and then raised his arm, to tell Charlotte she was able to lay beside him if she wanted to. Charlotte snuggled up with Henry.

Charlotte: I'm just glad your ok.

Henry: Me too. He kissed the top of Charlotte's head. I love you.

Charlotte: I love you too. 

The two of them fell asleep after a little bit of talking. 

--Time Skip--

It has been a couple of weeks since Henry was last attacked. His wounds finally has healed and he can go back on missions. Now Henry's entire family, plus Jasper knew Henry was Kid Danger so that took sometime to get used to. They all went back to doing their lives before everything happened. 

The End

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That was the last chapter, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the entire book. Let me know what you all enjoyed about this story. I have already created another story from Henry Danger and I've already wrote a few chapters so ill be able to update them. Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter, i just didn't know what else to right in this so yea. Byeeeeeee :) <3

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