Chapter 6

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Third Person:

Henry was staying in the Man Cave for the time being, at least until his wounds heals. Charlotte checked on him everyday, making sure he was getting better. It had been a week or so and Henry's wounds finally healed. Minyak, Drex, and Twittler still haven't been found. This worried Henry because he really could not take another beating. Henry walked into the Man Cave.

Henry: Hey, anything on Drex and them?

Ray: No, sadly. How are you feeling kid?

Henry: Better, i don't feel as sore now. And Schwoz said my somewhat broken bones have healed.

Ray: Thats good to hear. But hey, i would rather you not go missions with me until we catch these 3.

Henry: Ok. Id rather not go on any missions right now either.

Charlotte walked out of the elevator and went over and gave Henry a soft kiss.

Charlotte: How's it going today?

Ray: Fine. Still nothing on the 3 of them, and theres only been a few little crimes. 

Charlotte: Ok. Hey wheres Schwoz?

Ray: He had to pick up some supplies for a machine he's working on.

Charlotte: Oh ok..

Villains Lair:

Drex: Do you think his wounds have healed yet?

Minyak: Maybe. But even if they have, how are we going to get more revenge?

Twittler: Family?

Drex: What did you say?

Twittler: What if we go after his family? We know where they live.

Minyak: That could work. But we have to create some sort of disguise that way we can get into their house.

Drex: I think i have an idea for that.

Henry house:

The rest of the Hart family just came back home from their vacation. At first Henry's parents were worried because Henry wasn't home but then realized that today was a work day, so of course he isn't home.

Piper: Please tell me why we had to leave the beach?

Mr. Hart: Because we couldn't just leave Henry by himself for any longer.

Piper: Whatever. Im going up stairs.

Mr and Mrs. Hart just rolled their eyes and went back to unpacking their things. Mrs. Hart decided to send her son a text message just letting him know that they were home.

Henry: Hey, my family just got home.

Charlotte: Thats good.

Ray: Wanna go home and say hi?

Henry: Nah, ill wait till after my shift because they are probably tired and unpacking so, i don't want to disrupt that.

Ray: If you say so.

It was another hour and still no crime was going on. Nothing was going on at the Hart house until the doorbell rang.

Piper: Ill get it!

Piper opened the door and revealed 3 men dressed up in some type of magician clothing.

Piper: What you guys want?

Drex: We are going around the neighborhood and doing free magic shows.

Piper: Oh

Mr and Mrs. Hart walked over to the door.

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