Chapter 5

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Third Person:

Schwoz had just gotten Henry's test results and by the way he gasped it could not be good.

Ray: What was that gasp for?

Charlotte: Will Henry be ok?

The two were not ready for the results, they were very worried.

Schwoz: Its not good...

Ray & Charlotte: What?!

Schwoz: He has several injuries that would be ok by themselves, but because he hadn't fully healed from the last attack, the injuries are more severe. 

Charlotte: Well will he be able to heal?

Schwoz: Yes, but its going to take a while.

Ray: Alright, from here on out Henry is not leaving my sight. We can't let him get attacked again.

Charlotte walked over to Henry and held his hand.

Charlotte: When will he wake up? it sounded like she was holding back tears.

Schwoz: Hopefully soon.

Ray walked over to Charlotte and gave her a hug.

Ray: Please don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault.

Charlotte: But i didn't even try to do anything. I just sat there watching him yelling and screaming in pain.

Ray: Thats not on you, you were tied down.

Charlotte: So.. They'd have probably killed him if you didn't show up.

Ray: I know, thats why we have to be thankful that i showed up when i did.

There was silence for a moment.

Charlotte: Henry came to trade himself for me.

Ray: What?

Charlotte: Henry was going to allow them to hurt him, so they would let me go.

Ray didn't say anything he just gave Charlotte another hug. She cried into his shirt, no matter what he said she stilled blamed herself. Charlotte finally brought herself to call her mom, which was relieved when she heard her daughters voice. Charlotte didn't want to Henry's side so she just told her mom that she was staying at Henry's house.

--Time Skip--

It was getting late, so Charlotte carefully laid herself next to Henry and cuddled up with him. She didn't want to let go of him. Ray and Schwoz got comfortable on the couch and they all fell asleep. Henry still hadn't waken up.


Ray and Schwoz woke up first. They didn't want to wake Charlotte and Henry yet, they wanted those two to get as much sleep as they could. Ray thought that they looked cute with how they were cuddling. After a few more minutes, Charlotte slowly started to wake up.

Charlotte: G-guys? she said sleepily

Ray: Hey. How'd you sleep?

Charlotte: Better knowing Henry was right there. Has he woken up yet?

Ray: No, but Schwoz said that he should be waking up soon. When he does wake up he's going to be in a lot of pain.

Charlotte nodded, and carefully got up from the bed. She still was worried about her boyfriend and how he might not wake up even if Schwoz says he will.

A few minutes later

Henry's eyes slowly started opening, he groaned at the bright light. Charlotte, Ray and Schwoz walked to Henry's side.

Henry: W-what h-happened? he groans

Ray: Henry, you don't need to know that right now alright. We can talk later ok.

Henry nodded.

Henry: Ow.. my whole body hurts.

Charlotte: Don't move, it will only hurt more. 

Henry: Why does it hurt so bad?

Schwoz: Your injuries from your last attack hadn't healed yet, so the injuries from this one only made it worse.

Henry turned to look at Charlotte, who was somewhat crying.

Henry: Char? Are you ok?

Charlotte: Im not the person you should be worrying about.

Henry: But are you ok?

Charlotte: Im ok. She gave a soft smile. Um guys, would you be able to give us a moment? Alone?

Ray: Yea, come on Schwoz.

Ray and Schwoz walked out of the room and Charlotte sat down next to Henry.

Charlotte: I feel awful.

Henry: Why? Its not your fault.

Charlotte: I tried to get untied but i couldn't, i hated just having to sit there and watch you get hurt.

Henry: Char. I dont blame you for this. I would do anything for you, weather that meant me getting hurt.

Charlotte: You really mean that?

Henry: Of course i mean that. Charlotte, if something happened to you and i would have been able to stop it, i wouldn't forgive myself. Charlotte, I love you.

Charlotte: I love you too. They gave each other a soft kiss. Thank you.

Henry: For what?

Charlotte: Being you.

Henry: Anytime. Feels goood being me. he smiled, Charlotte laughed.

Ray and Schwoz walked back in.

Schwoz: How are you feeling Henry?

Henry: Still hurts a lot. Hey, Ray did you catch them?

Ray: Who?

Henry: Minyak, Drex, and Twittler.

Ray: Um.. he looked down.

Henry: Please tell me you go them.

Ray: No.. i didn't get them.

Henry: you didn't get them? Are they going to go after me?

Ray: Kid, your going to stay here, until we get them.

Henry: Ok. ok, just please don't let me get hurt again.

Ray: We won't.

Villains New Lair:

Drex: Ughhh how are we going to get revenge now?

Minyak: I don't know, but from Henry's injuries that we gave him, i think he's going to be in pain for a while. 

Twittler: Yea, and for the time being that can be enough revenge. We can still get him back though. Just wait till he thinks that he's safe and then we'll attack again

Drex: Ok. I just hope that we don't have to wait so long. That kid makes me so mad.

Minyak: He makes us all mad.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That was chapter 5. Its a little shorter than the others, only because i don't have much time to write more. I hope you liked this chapter, let me know what you think will happen next. Hope to write to you all soon. :)

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