Chapter 4

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Third Person:

Charlotte was unconscious and tied up to a chair. Luckily it seemed she wasn't harmed. Henry could not calm down, just seeing his girlfriend not awake caused him to panic. He knew that what ever they were planning to do to Charlotte would not be good. 

Henry: Why did they just call us, only to show her unconscious? 

Ray: I don't know but it can't be good.

Before the two could say another word Drex appeared on the screen.

Drex: Hello, Captain Man and Kid Danger. Or should I say Ray Manchester and Henry Hart.

Henry: What do you want with Charlotte?!?

Drex: Aww i see your a bit scared for your girlfriend.

Ray: Let her go.

Minyak walks into view

Minyak: Well we tried to get Henry, but sadly Ray interfered.

Twittler: And since we couldn't get Henry we went for someone who is important to him.

Henry: What do you want? If you want me, ill go just let her alone.

Drex: Maybe.. but we want to have some fun first.

Henry: No.. please no. he's holding tears back.

Twittler: We won't let you watch, we just wanted to let you know that what happens to her is because of you two. 

Minyak: Bye bye. The three villains laughed and then the screen went black.

Henry: Can we track this????

Henry was very nervous, he didn't want anything to happen to Charlotte.

Schwoz quickly came over to the computers and started typing. Ray walked out of the room, he said that he was going to get something but Henry didn't hear it. While Ray was out of the room Schwoz found their location.

Schowz: Got it!

Henry: What? You got their location? he ran to Schwoz's side

Schwoz: Yes

Without hesitating Henry ran over to the tubes, there was no point in wearing his Kid Danger uniform because they knew who he was.

Schwoz: Wait, Henry wait for Ray!

Henry: Theres no time, Ray can come when he's ready to. I have to help Charlotte.

Schwoz wasn't able to get in another word before Henry yelled, "Up the Tube" and was gone. Henry was going as quick as he could to get to Charlotte before she got hurt. Eventually he got there. He walked into the warehouse.

Henry: HEY! he yelled. 

Henry continued walking inside, seeing Charlotte tied to the chair, she was awake this time and a look of relief was on her face at the sight of Henry. Henry quickly went to Charlotte and just as he was about to start uniting her, two of the three villains walked in.

Minyak: Well... Well... Well.

Twittler: Look who showed up.

Henry: Let her go. Im here, just leave her alone. 

Out of nowhere Drex came from behind Henry and grabbed him, and held him in a tight hold. Henry struggled for a second but then realized that if he stayed here than they can let Charlotte go.

Henry: Ok..ok you have me, let her go.

Drex: We could do that, but why not let her watch your pain.

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