Wait, really?

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Finn's POV:
"A-troupe I have some big news. We've been invited by the production team of DanceMania to go on a world tour!" The room erupted into cheers and shouts as I hugged Piper to my side. "A-troupe as great as that sounds it has it's downfalls. You would all be rehearsing, travelling or performing for 6 months. You would never get to see your family except if they were willing to fly out to see you at one of the dates. Many of you are also under 18 which would mean you have to do online school. It would be a lot of work and it would be difficult and time-consuming. However it could really further your dance careers so it is an incredible opportunity. I'll leave you to think about it. You all have to let me know by the end of this week if you can go. Remember not all of you have to come, so don't stress if you can't or don't want to." The room buzzed with conversation as Emily went back to her office. I turned to Piper and she cast a worried glance at me. "You don't wan to go?" I asked her, a little disappointed. I really wanted her to come with me. She looked scandalised as she told me, "of course I want to go! It's just...it's just that although my parents will let me go...James won't be happy. He's a bit...over protective. Plus he isn't going to like the fact your going with me." I sighed and told her, "Pipes I'm sure he'll come round. It's not like he can stop you, he isn't your legal guardian." She nodded looking more cheerful, "your right Finn! He can't stop me." I kissed her cheek and we made our way over to the rest of A-troupe who were all huddled together. Richelle spoke up first, "guys, I for one am definitely going on this tour. Who's with me?" All of A-troupe put up their hands but their were quite a few, "if my parents let me," going around. We all decided to go home early and talk it over with our parents. Piper and I went to the locker room to grab our stuff. We had just reached the locker room when she received a text. She read it before looking up at me nervously. "Ready to meet my brother?" I gulped.

Piper's POV:
I was just walking to my locker when my phone chimed with a text. My mum couldn't pick me up so James was going to instead. I looked nervously at Finn, "ready to meet my brother?" It was more of a request not a question. Finn had to or he would forever be considered 'unworthy' in James' eyes. He nodded saying, "ok. It was bound to happen eventually." We went to leave when I saw he was shaking slightly. I pulled his arm and he turned to face me. "Hey Finn it's alright, James is going to love you and if he doesn't? Well I'll never speak to him again." Finn nodded, relaxing slowly. "I love you." "I love you too Pipes." I reached up to kiss him and he kissed me back running his hands through my hair. After we had pulled away he smirked and said, "I ruined your hair." "It was worth it. Now let's go face the beast named James." He gripped my hand tightly as we walked out to James' car. As we reached the car, James stepped out of the driver's seat to greet us. He hugged me before glaring at Finn. Finn, to his credit, took it in his stride and stuck out his hand, "hey. It's nice to finally meet you, Piper talks a lot about you." James looked surprised so he accepted the offer of a bro handshake thing and turned to me. "You talk a lot about me?" I blushed, "only to Finn." It was true, I hated being in my brother's shadow so I tried to bring him up as little as possible. In fact the only person I felt comfortable enough talking about him to was Finn. James knew I hated talking about him, which he understood, so he was surprised. He narrowed his eyes on Finn, "do you love Piper?" I rolled my eyes. Real subtle James. "I love her more than anything. I would do anything for her. I would protect her with my life." James glared for a second before he smiled. It seems he realised the sincerity in Finn's voice was real. "In that case welcome to the family Finn." Finn visibly sagged and I smiled. Finn wasn't going to get murdered. Finn said goodbye and left to go home and I climbed into the passenger seat. I turned to James, "what did you think of Finn?" Begrudgingly he said, "he seems nice. And if he loves you and you love him back then I'm willing to accept him." I smiled gratefully and took out my phone to text Finn, "your in the clear. James likes you!" Immediately he texted me back, ":)" and I shut off my phone. Now I just had to break the news of the word tour. That's not going to be fun or easy.

A/n: Hey guys! This is the sequel to my other book! Go read that first if you haven't already! Thank you!

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