We'll always have each other

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Piper's POV:

I woke up early the next morning to find Finn missing from our bed. After a brief moment of panic I saw him standing on the balcony. I threw on one of his hoodies before quietly opening the sliding door that led to the balcony. He glanced around momentarily before returning his gaze to the rising sun. I came to stand next to him and he put his arm around me. I leant into his side and we stood there in a comfortable silence. Eventually Finn said quietly, "Piper what happens after this world tour is over? What happens to us? They'll be opportunities for you, people will have seen you dance on the tour. But what about me? I won't be able to dance for a while, and when I can I won't be at the top of my game. What happens if we get split up?" I contemplated this all for a few minutes. He was right. It was always going to be regionals, nationals, internationals. But DanceMania changed all that. After we won, we were given the opportunity of a life time, a world tour. But what happens if we hadn't won? Where would we be now? A group of washed up dancers? Isn't that what we were when this world tour? Of course many of us would get offers for new opportunities, but I wasn't so sure I wanted them. Dance would always be my first love, but was it what I wanted to do for the rest of my life?

Finally, I replied slowly, "I don't know Finn. I really don't. But there's one thing I know for sure, I will always love you." "Me too Piper, so very much." I returned to my thoughts, remembering all I had been through. I thought back to the zero percent club, Amy taking my place in TNS East,  Miss Angela, not being able to get my ariel. All the anxiety I had ever felt over dance. "Finn, I think I'm going to stop dancing professionally after this world tour." He looked at me in surprise, "Piper why would you do that? You're an amazing dancer!" "Finn I love dance, almost as much as I love you. But it's not what I want to do. I want to help people like me. People who suffer from anxiety. Not everyone gets a Finn in their lives. So I want to give them me. I want to major in psychology." He nodded understandingly. "I wish I could be like you. Having it all figured out. I don't know what I want to do, if I still want to dance or not." He said this with not resentment, but a note of longing. I touched the side of his face, prompting him to look at me, "Finn, remember you don't have to choose yet. We're still young. we have our whole lives to find what makes us happy." He smiled and leant down to kiss me.

They were soft, slow kisses, each one filled with emotion. They held promises for the future but also fear. Through those kisses, we gave each other ourselves. When we finally pulled away Finn pulled me into his chest. We stood there, wrapped in each others arms, as the sun rose behind us. Finn whispered into my hair a single promise, "you'll always have me." "And you'll alway have me."

Because we would. We'd always have each other.


8 years later:

Piper did in fact go to university and study psychology. She now does what she dreamed of on that morning with Finn all those years ago and helps people with their anxiety. She is known as one of the best and each day she takes great pride in helping people with ways to cope with their anxiety.

Finn decided to continue dancing. He performed in many places across the globe before he eventually decided to give it up in favour of staying close to Piper. Much to the surprise of his friends, family and long term girlfriend, he decided to buy The Next Step and run it. Piper often comes to visit, plenty of times to see Finn participating in baby ballet. Because after all these years he never lost the boyish charm he always held, no matter how much he grew up. He came to be much more responsible, leading teams to absolute competitions and DanceMania. And winning them of course. 

On the day Finn finally gets down on one knee to propose to Piper, she laughs. Because she had also planned to propose. On exactly the same day as Finn had. They both accept each others proposal. Because all those years ago they made a promise to the other. They would always have each other. And they did.

A/n: Hey guys! That's it. The final chapter. Wow it feels crazy to say that. I want to thank every single one of you who has ever read, vote or comment on this two book series. The support has been incredible and this fandom has genuinely been the purest. I love every single on of you with all my heart and hope you enjoyed the story.

While this book is now over my love for Pinn isn't so I will definitely be writing some Pinn one shots in my one shot book. I will 100% be writing all the scenes from the epilogue and most likely more. So if you liked this story maybe go check that out. If you have any requests please private message me.

If you have any final bits of feedback, please leave them in the comments and, once again, I hope you enjoyed my attempt at a story!

Serena x

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