chapter one

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"Come on gemma"mum said at the end of the the corridor "im coming" i said as i walk out of my bedroom "do i have to go to school today" i said with a bit of sass in my voice "yes gemma its your first day back after the accident you haven't been school on 6 month"mum said to me as they got into the car.

"Skip car ride"

"Bye mum" i said as i left the car to go into school "bye love have a good day back at school" as i walked into the school i was greeted by someone i hated. My bully annalise
"What now annalise" i said with sadness in my voice. "Just wanted to see how your dad is after the accident why didnt u go with your dad" annalise said but then before i said anything i get a tap on the shoulder it was this boy i have never met before "oi how dare you say that to her your disgusting" i looked at the boy he was atleast 6'1 so i had to look up i looked at him with a smile then annalise turned and walked away with a hair flip. "Are you ok" the boy asked me "yes i guess" i said with a smile "im Simon by the way" he said to me "im gemma are you new" i said to him "yh" he said as he looked down at me "wanna sit with me at luch and show me around maybe" he said wth a smile "yh sure what classes you got" he gave me his time table "we have the same classes" i said with a smile.

"Bell rings"

"Wanna walk to class together" i said as i looked up at him (keep in mind i am 4'9) "sure" he said as he laughs that i have to look up at him.

"Skip first two periods"

It was lunch time and me and Simon sat together and then all of a sudden 6 boys sit with us "gemma i would like you to meet my friend group called the sidemen they came down here with me" he said
"Hi i am gemma" i said with a smile
"Gemma this is
He said as he pointed at them

Sorry that this is a small chapter this is my first book so plz no hate hope u enjoyed chapter one chapter 2 will be out soon

Live ya all gemma xx

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