chapter 4/finding out

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Gemmas pov
Its the next morning and i wake up in Simons bed and he is next to me in his chair,i felt really bad because he looked very uncomfortable so i got up to go to my room to get a blanket for him,so i put the blanket over him and go down stairs to make some breakfast for me and Simon just a lil thank you for what he did for me last night.

Skip making food

As i was about to put the food on the plate there was a knock at the door,so i go to get it when something post the the slot,i grabbed it and opened it it said
"To gemma
Hope your having a great day just thought that i would love to say no body likes you,no one cares about you and wouldn't miss you of you went"
I thought nothing of it so i put it on the table whilst i put the food down on the table, but as i turned around i saw josh holding the note. "What is this" josh asked me as i put the plates down. "Nothing" i said as i turned the cooker off. "Clearly is who sent this" he said with anger in his voice,"i dont know" i said tearing up, i run upstairs to my room. Simons room door was open but i thought nothing of it so i slam my door behind me. I didnt wanna worry anyone because its simons birthday today.
I was deep in my thoughts untill i hear a knock on my door. It was Simon, i put a fake smile on "happy birthday Simon" i said in a fake happy voice "whats up" he said knowing i was crying. "Is it them girls again i swear if it was i wi..." he was cut of by josh coming in my room. "Gemma how long as this been going on for" he said lifting the paper up for me and Simon to see. "About 3 years" i said tearing up again but Simon pulled me in for a hug "Simon please explain to josh" i said crying into Simons cheast.

Skip explaining

"So yh thats whats been going on" Simon said hugging me tighter. "Omg gemma i am so sorry" josh said hugging me with Simon. "No dont make this day about me its Simons birthday and i wanna make it special so can we not talk about this now" i said wiping my eyes. "Ok we will talk about this tomorrow" josh and Simon said at the same time.

Skip half the day

It is time for Simons surprise birthday party this is what i am wearing

It is time for Simons surprise birthday party this is what i am wearing

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With some black heels.
I go down stairs to see all the boys at the bottom of the stairs.
"Looking sharp tonight boys" i said scaring them. "Wow" they all said looking up at me. "Everything ready" i said walking down the stairs.
"Yep"jj shouted, "ok Simon will be back any minute so places ppl" i said running to the door.

Simons pov
The boys sent me out to get boose, nothing new i suppose. When i got back the house was dark and dull so i knock on the door as i forgot my key, as soon as the door opened my jaw dropped as i saw gemma in this short dress that was black with black heels. "What do you hate it" gemma said looking at the dress. "No i fucking love it you look cute" i said hugging her "were is everyo...". "SURPRISE" the lights turn on and everyone jumps out making me shit scared. "Thank you so much guys" i said hugging them all.
Skip half the party

"Right so guys today has been so good bu.." i was cut off by gemma crying and running upstairs so i ran after her.

Gemmas pov
I ran upstairs hoping no one saw me because i just got a message of leah saying
"Kill yourself you lil whore no one likes you😂😁🤬😈" i shut my door well though anyway but then Simon walks in "phone now" he said putting his had out so i give him my phone, "right on Monday we are going to school and showing them ok" he said handing my phone back to me "ok" i said hugging Simon. "Wanna go down and party more" i said. "Ok lets go" he said grabbing my hand and taking me down stairs.

Skip rest of party
"Night guys" i shouted from my bedroom door,"night gems" they all shouted
I was about to go bed untill i hear a knock on my door i open it to see annalise and or sidkicks "hey gemma thought we would let arself in the house to surprise you" faith said coming closer. "What do you want" i said. "Shhh this wont hurt a bit" leah said hitting me and kicking me but then the boys burst in with knifes and jj with is fists. Simons runs to me to see if i was ok and then carried me bridal style to his bed so i can rest. Then me and Simon here shouting and banging from my room. I got scared so Simon hugged me and i felt my eyes getting heavier and fell asleep.

•hi guys gemma again if you want put some idears in the comments for my next chapter plz next chapter will be out Tomorrow •

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