chapter 8/first day

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Skip summer holidays
Gemmas pov
It have been a month with Simon and it as been the best but now me and Simon have College (we go the the same college).
"Babe you ready" Simon shouted from his room, "yep" i shouted walking into his room. "Ok lets go then"he said holding my hand and walking me to the car and opened the passenger door and ran to the drivers seat.

Skip car ride

When we arrived at college we were greated by someone me and Simon didnt wanna see.
"Hi gemma" leah said looking at Simon, "what do u want leah" Simon said walking on holding my hand.
So me and Simon walk to are first class and just found out that we have the saime classes as leah.

Skip first 4 classes

It is lunch time and me and Simon were talking but then leah comes to the desk
"So gemma u dating simon" she asked, "yes she is u got a problem with that" Simon said giving her a death stare.
But then she said something that really broken me. "Hahahah why didnt u go with your mum and dad no one will miss u" she said walking away. I ran out of college with Simon running after me i am crying my eyes out untill i stopped at a bridge.
"Gemma dont you dare" Simon said walking closer but then we see the other lads behind him.
"Gemma plz dont jump its not worth it ppl care about you they care about you I CARE ABOUT YOU so plz babe dont it will break us all if u jump.
"WHY THO LEAH IS RIGHT I SHOULD JUST GO WITH MY MUM AND DAD" but then i felt someone pulled me away from the bridge and pulled me in, i knew who it was it was Simon so i just hugged him back.

Skip walking home

"Wanna watch a movie babe" Simon said, "sure i said, so me and Simon go to his room and lade on the bed.
Half way through the movie Simon turned to me and said "babe i love you so much and i will never stop loving you i never wanna lose you" and then kissed me so i kissed him back the kiss lasted 5 mins untill i pulled away and said "Simon i love you so much" and lade back down to watch the movie.

Simon's pov

The movie is almost over and i turned to gemma and saw her asleep so i kissed her on the head "omg she is so beautiful and cute when she is asleep" i thought to myself and then fell asleep.

Sorry i haven't posted for 2 days been doing shit but i hope your enjoying the movie and plz share with everyone•

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