chapter 2/talking

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It has been a week since i have met Simon and the boys and i have grown a very strong bond with Simon a it was the 6th of September. Tomorrow was Simons birthday and me and the lads were gonna surprise him with a birthday lunch.

•skip schoolday•

I was just getting out of the shower till my phone buzzed on the side.
It was harry

H-so vik and jj had just got Simon out of the house so can you come round in about 10 mins x

G-hi and yes but why x

H-so we can talk about tomorrow with the others x

G-yh sure be there in 10 x

H-ok see you soon x

End of chat

Nobody knew i had a crush on Simon but my mum i told her and she told me to ask him on a date but i didnt know if he liked me back so i just said no
I was on the way to the sidemen house (thats what they call it) till my phone buzzed again. It was simon
My face glowed up when i see his name.

S-hi gem simon here just wounding what your doing right now hope your well xx

G-hi si yh i am doing great just on the way to your house to see harry and the boys wby xx

S-oh ok cool just gone to nandos with vik and jj be about 2 hours because you know jj he eats alot but slowly xx

G-oh ok btw i am staying tonight and i have got the room opposite to yours if you dont mind xx

S-nar dont mind at all tbh anyway gtg food is here ttyl xx

G-ok ttyl bye xx

End of convo

•skip rest of car ride•

Just got to the sidemen house and i open the door because i have key so i walk in put my shoes on the rack and went into the kitchen to see Ethan,josh,harry,tobi sitting down but when they saw me we had a group hug.

"So how about tomorrow then"i said to harry,"so what i was thinking maybe take him to nandos then go bowling or somethingand then..."harry was cut of by my phone buzzing. Josh picks my phone up "who is crush" he asked me with a smug face "errrmmm"i said and they all looked at me and shout "who is it" i was about to say a boy from school but then said "simon" i shouted. They all looked at me with a smile on there faces. "Gemma you like Simon"tobi says.
"Yes" i said as i looked at the floor. "Omg thats so cute" josh says and he gives me my phone.

Simons pov

We just finished eating when my phone buzzed on the table. Before i could pick it up jj did "who is crush" jj said whilst looking at vik. I want to say a girl from school "gemma" i said then covered my mouth. "Omfg you like gemma"vik says looking at me. "Yes" i said when taking my phone of jj.
Great now jj and vik now know i have a crush on gemma i hope she doesnt find out.

Gemmas pov
So we just finished talking about tomorrow untill the front door swung open and then i see simon jj and vik walk into the kitchen. Jj and vik had a smile on there faces. "Why with the smiles boys" i said as i got up to give them a hug. "Nothing"they said.
"Guys" i said as i looked at my clothes. "Yh"harry said looking at me. "I forgot my clothes" i said looking at harry. "You can borrow one of my hoodies and shorts if u want" Simon said with a smile.
"Are you sure" i said looking at him. "Yh let me just get them" he said walking off.
"Ok thank you Simon" i said following him to his room

"Here you go" Simon said giving me a is hoodie and shorts. "Thanxs" i said turning to go to the bathroom to get dressed

•skip getting dressed•

I walked into Simons room.
"Hey Si" i said as i sat on his bed. "You look rlly cute"he said as he looked at me. "Thanxs" i said whilst looking him in his eye. We locked eyes but then i fainted falling of the bed but Simon catches me and puts me in his bed.

Simons pov

"Omg gemma" i said as i caught her falling of me bed so then i layed her down on my bed under the quilt.
I stayed with her all night untill she woke up.
"Omg gemma you ok" i said hugging her. "Yes i am fine what happened" she said looking confused. "You fainted making you fall of the bed but i caught you before you got hurt,why did u faint" i asked her

Gemmas pov
Simon just asked me why i fainted i wanted to tell him the real reason so i did. I pulled up my sleeve to show cuts all up my arm but then a tear falls down my face. "Why do you cut gemma" Simon asked as i rolled my sleeve down.
"You know annalise" as i cried. "Yes" he said wiping my tears away.
"Ever since year 7 she bullied me till breaking point i just haven't told anyone because she said if i tell anyone she will hurt me more than she already does" Simon looked at me with an angry face.
"I am going to kill that bitch". "No Simon please dont say anything or i will get it" i said as i looked at my sleeve.
"Gemma she wont hurt you anymore i am here to protect you at all cost do u here me" he said as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Yes" i said and we hugged for a good 20 seconds before he pulled away and said "gemma would you like to live here with me and the boys" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Wait seriously but what about the boys" i said looking down.
"The boys would love you to stay please say yes i love having you around and so do the boys" he said lifting my head up to look at him.
"Ok sure i just need to ask my mum".
So i got my phone out and asked.

G-mum can i ask you something?xx

M-yes you can live with the boys if you want xx

G-wait how did u know xx

M-simon msg me earlier asking me xx

G-really well thanks mum can you bring my stuff tomorrow xx

M-ofc darling xx

G-thanks mum xx

M-np love ya xx

G-love ya to xx

End of text

I put my phone down and looked at simon. "Thank you for letting me live here but what about the boy" i said. "I asked them when i asked your mum and they said yes too". Omg i cant believe i am living with my crus and his mates
"Wanna watch a movie" Simon asked giving me the control. "Sure i said. So we sat on his bed watching a romantic movie untill i fell asleep.

•hi gemma here again quit a long chapter this one 1259 words wow didnt think i could write that much anyway hope you enjoyed chapter 2 chapter 3 will be out tomorrow
Love ya all gemma xx•

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