Chapter One

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Book cover credited to @denanguyencom.

Words have a way to express emotions stronger than any action possible. It touches ones soul and possesses ones mind. Don't ignore my words because I am not writing this thoughtlessly.

This is my pain. This is my anger. This is my sadness. All of my emotions I no longer want to be silent on.

A man was killed recently, you may know him as George Floyd. "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe!" "I can't breathe!" Is what he exclaimed 11 times while a police officers leg was digging ruthlessly into his neck cutting out his air supply.

His voice was ignored as he desperately tried to cling on to his life, but even though he is not with us now, his death will not go in vain. Millions of people are going to the streets and raising their voices in response to this cold blooded murder.

We are frustrated of decades loosing families to the failed police system in United States. However, these violent protests are putting innocent bystanders to risk. We cannot solve violence with violence. We want to show these white men basic morality and to do so we need to practice this ourselves.

It isn't just adults that have lost their lives to the police, teenagers have as well. Unarmed Micheal Brown, 18, was shot and killed by Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson. The grand jury declined to charge Wilson in the fatal shooting. Brown was killed for nothing and the lack of charges sparked protests, some of them violent.

Tamir Rice, 12, was shot and killed by Cleveland police after officers mistook his toy gun for a real gun. The officers involved have not been charged and gets to walk a free man.

Remember their names and spread awareness. The lives of these young men have been taken away from us without justice while these cops earn money for killing off our race.

Black lives matter is not just a trend, it's not just a hashtag. It is a platform to keep us alive. Little kids like Tamir Rice now have to follow countless of rules just to live, just to enjoy the outside world.

Don't wear your hoodie up.
Don't have your hands in your pocket.
Never make it look like there is an argument between you and someone else.
Never leave your house without your ID.
Don't resist police brutality because then it'll be excusable for them to kill you.
Don't be out too late.
Don't go out in public at night alone.
Don't drive with music too loud.
Don't stare at Caucasians for too long.

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