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work: if you belong to anyone, then you belong to me
writer: kellie_with_cats
platform: ao3
chapters: 1/1
rating: explicit
tags: possessive!steve harrington, injury, no shadow monster/mind flayer, violence
summary: Steve decided it was Billy's fault. He'd pushed into Steve's space – his animal magnetism making it almost impossible for Steve to look away.

Everywhere Steve went, Billy was there, his tongue out, licking across his top lip, like everything was fucking foreplay for him. Like Billy was trying to entice Steve in, to make him comfortable, and then leave him, just like everyone else had left him. But Billy kept crowding in, he kept telling Steve things with his eyes, his body, his fucking mouth. He was taunting Steve – "you know you want this." Then, in the showers, he'd called Steve, "pretty boy" while his eyes were half-lidded, water running down his chest – and all Steve could hear was, "come on, I want you to."

And Steve wondered if, maybe, Billy could be the one to unlock something in him, could be the one to open something up, even something as base as lust.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25496749?view_adult=true#main

my comment:
okay i just read this today and i HAVE to share it. oh fuckkkkk, this SLAPS. not kidding. i have no words.
okay so this is a canon divergence AU. there's the mention of monsters but nothing more and Billy isn't,, involved with it. but this- christ. i literally can't put into words how much i loved this.
one of the things, some people may not like was the constant — (hyphens) but it personally didn't bother me cause i put that shit in my own writing all the time so. it didn't make the story worse or anything, it was just very repetitive. and they were well-put.
AND THE PORN- AHHHHHHH. incredible. this is unlike any other harringrove i've read. it's just so- fucked up. i love that shit. like some really messed up shit.
Steve's character- mmm *chef's kiss*. he's perfect, i adore him. he becomes very possessive and just mentally he is in such a fucked headspace. the writing from his pov is GREAT. i love it. he's so confused with himself and then so confident and ugh fuck his character shines. PLEASE, i NEED more of this steve.
Billy is about the same ?? i always imagine how Billy would actually react to steve being upfront and homo towards steve and this definitely wasn't it because he's just so quiet and shy once steve is forward and he's still trying to be cocky and keep his bravo even tho he is weak for steve. billy is still wonderful tho. his character did not ruin it whatsoever. i loved the shy, hurt billy.
ALSO this is lengthy. i think it's got a good 6000 words+. it's a nice length.
ahhh that's all. seriously please read this, i'll definitely read it again. multiple times. so good.
if anyone has some recommendations of stories/oneshots like this one, don't be afraid to dm me about them !
i also haven't checked this in a while and i noticed how many views it has and WOW. hope y'all enjoy these recommendations. all kudos to the creators xx

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