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work: Come Check Out "Pretty In Pink"
writer: buffys
platform: ao3
chapters: 1/1
rating: Teen and Up
tags: co-workers AU, Keith Being Awful

summary: He popped back up sometime in October, obviously worse for wear, having spent some time in either the Upside Down, Russia, or some underground government hospital (depending on who you ask), before making it back home to Hawkins, beleaguered and heroic, like a World War II veteran just itching to reunite with his childhood sweetheart in order to repopulate Metallica's fan base or whatever.

my comment:
i just read this and god it is,, so funny. i cackled out loud atleast a good five times.

it's like.. if the people who scripted Fight Club wrote harringrove. i'm saying the dialogue is great.

now- i will say this is definitely more of a friendship type of harringrove. there's no smut or even flirting (i would say). they do talk to eachother obviously. the interactions with the characters are just.. funny. i cant explain it. they are so genuine and authentic and relalistic.
it's an after season 3 kinda fic. robin, steve, keith, and billy all work in the family video store. it's nice.
if you need a light read or to just feel good or to get a laugh, i highly recommend this.

i've been wanting to read more angst so i can have something "very harringrove" to recommend but god that is so.. exhausting. emotionally and physically, just to read it. so i read this instead and i feel great. :)

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